Dentists Are Doctors, Too! (2025)

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There are many kinds of doctors – Doctors of English, Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Medicine, Dr. Pepper… (wink).

Of course, when we use the term doctor, we most often mean a physician or doctor of medicine. But did you know that dentists are doctors, too? Every doctor has a specialty, and a dentist’s specialty is oral health.

Dr. HeizerandDr. O’Grady, your Granbury dentists, explain how dentistry is a specific branch of medicine, and what it all means for the link between oral health and overall wellness.

Dentists Are Doctors

Dentists are every bit as trained and educated as physicians. They have the same general education in science as physicians before they get clinical training in dentistry. This background education helps dentists look at you – the whole package – when taking care of your teeth.

Dentists are specialists in the science and mechanics of oral health, which extends to your head, face, and neck (the craniofacial region)—important parts of your body!

Your oral health is an MVP when it comes to overall health and wellness, and dentists are just as important as other doctors when it comes to total body health.

The Oral-Systemic Link

Have you ever had your whole printer jam because one tiny piece of paper is out of line? It’s endlessly frustrating and time-consuming, and a reminder that machines require all parts, big and small, to be in good shape to get the job done. You are not a printer, but you are made of countless cells, organs, muscles, and bones that all work together to make you human and allow you to survive and be healthy.

Dentists look at your mouth, gums, and teeth, but they also look at your jaw (TMJ), face, head and neck, keeping an eye out for signs of a problem such as swelling, discoloration, and more. Often times, dentists also perform tissue biopsies, diagnose illnesses, and screen for high blood pressure and oral cancer. Dentists can tell just by the look of your mouth if you might have other health issues like stress, chronic inflammation orpoor quality of sleep.

Time and time again, doctors, dentists and researchers come together to find important overlaps in medicine and dentistry. We call these overlaps “the oral-systemic link.” There are already many studies about oral health links to diabetes and heart conditions.

Seeing the dentist regularly is important for assessing your risks for health conditions all over your body. For example, respected family physician Bradley Bale says:“Periodontal disease is a medical disease with a dental solution.”Periodontal disease is advancedgum diseasethat’s linked to other chronic and acute illnesses like cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and more.

The best dentists and physicians will insist on working together to help you reach your optimal health.

Goodoral hygieneand regular dentist visits accomplish much more than just polish your pearly whites. Everything from eating and sleeping to working and playing depends on a healthy smile. The healthier your mouth is the healthier and happier your whole life will be.

Choose a dentist who asks questions about your personal goals for life and health. Ask them about their views on whole body dentistry that works toward your wellness as one, big, interconnected machine.

If you’re ready to take care of your health from top to bottom,make an appointmentwith us today!


cciadmin2019-01-14T21:39:22+00:00January 14th, 2019|

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Dentists Are Doctors, Too! (2025)


Dentists Are Doctors, Too!? ›

Yes. Dentists are doctors because they undergo extensive medical training. In the United States, a person who wants to become a dentist must receive an undergraduate degree and complete four years of focused training in an accredited dental school.

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The most direct route for a dentist who wants to become a medical doctor is to enroll in an MD-integrated program after completing their dental degree. These programs allow dentists to specialize in oral and maxillofacial surgery or oral medicine while also receiving a medical degree.

Do you use DR and DDS together? ›

Using both (Dr. XYZ, DDS) would be redundant and uncessary in 99% of situations. The commonly used format would be XYZ, DDS. The other format, Dr.

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Work in a respectable profession

Many people view dentistry as a prestigious and respectable profession because dentists continually work to improve the lives of their patients.

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Use of the title 'Doctor'

The Guidelines for advertising a regulated health service (the guidelines) state that a dental practitioner who uses the title 'Doctor' or 'Dr' should make it clear that they are not registered as a medical practitioner by stating which division of the dental profession they are registered in.

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These days many health professionals use the title “doctor.” Indeed, The Canadian Press Stylebook now decrees that the title of doctor should be reserved for physicians. Physicians, surgeons, dentists, chiropodists, university professors and, in some countries, pharmacists describe themselves as doctors.

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Dental students have to complete more credit hours than their pre-med counterparts, but the coursework in each field is more specialized. Dental students also have more hands-on experience with patients. Both include a mix of classroom learning and hands-on training.

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However, medical usage of the title was far from exclusive, with it being acknowledged that other doctorate holders could use the title and that dentists and veterinarians frequently did.

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They are doctors, because they have a doctorate degree in dentistry. They are not physicians though.

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The DDS degree and DMD degree are synonymous. They are the same. The MD degree is the study of allopathic medicine, the DO is of osteopathic medicine. Although they are treated the same and attend the same residencies, the DO learns how to perform manipulation, and physical therapy techniques.

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For both men and women, dentists came in 10th place, according to the results. The top three reasons influencing why a uniform was deemed attractive were confidence, a polished appearance, and authority of the job. Nevertheless, dentists probably shouldn't take any of this too seriously.

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No, 36 is not too old to start dental school. In fact, the average age of students entering dental school is 25. While students may be younger than 36, there is no reason why someone in their 30s cannot succeed in dental school and go on to have a successful career as a dentist.

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How hard is it to become a dentist? Becoming a dentist is challenging in a number of ways, including the years of schooling required, the financial cost of education and setting up a dental practice, and the competitive dental school application process.

Are dentists respected in USA? ›

Dentists are highly regarded by the communities they serve for their contributions to the general health of the public as well as their drive to improve the lives of those around them.

How respected are dentists? ›

Dentists are specialists in diseases of the teeth, gums and mouth, and are as respected as any other medical specialty.

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Chiropractors in the United States are required to complete a Doctor of Chiropractor (DC) degree in order to practice. This degree is on par with an MD or a PhD. Slightly longer answer? Yes, chiropractors are doctors of chiropractic medicine and are considered physicians.

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Dentists often have more control over their schedules and may have a better work-life balance, while physicians may work longer and more irregular hours, particularly during residencies. However, this is also highly dependent on which area a dentist or physician practices in.

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I'm proud to not only have my own successful endodontics practice, but to be a wife to my husband and a mom to three beautiful children. But as all working moms know, it's not easy to balance your family life with your career!

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With dental school, the education is packed into four years. Based solely on duration, med school is more complicated because the length of study can last up to ten years. While it takes a medical doctor as long as ten years to become fully independent, dentists can be up and running in less than six.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.