Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (2024)

Hair transplant in Turkey is an effective and safe solution to permanently correct baldness. For both men and women, hair transplants can help fight a complex and regain self-confidence. However, in some cases, hair transplants can be unsuccessful. Find out in which cases a hair transplant can fail and what are the possible solutions to correct a failed hair transplant.

What are the different cases of failed hair transplants and their causes?

The hair transplant operation can permanently mask the effects of hair loss causes. Although hair transplantation is a very common procedure, it requires real expertise and experience on the part of the doctor to avoid hair transplant failure.

There are several reasons why a hair transplant may fail:

  • The donor area does not offer enough grafts: this situation occurs if the surgeon does not perform a good preliminary study. The preliminary study of the donor area is essential to determine if the donor area has enough grafts compared to those needed to cover the recipient area.
  • The donor area has poor quality grafts: to determine if the grafts in the donor area are of good quality (thickness, low number of follicles per graft, etc.), a prior clinical examination is essential. If the clinical examination is not performed, or is performed poorly, this can lead to failed hair transplants.
  • The implantation method is not mastered: for the hair transplant not to fail, the expert team must master the hair transplant technique, whether it is a Sapphire or/and metal blade procedure, or an DIH. If not, the hair transplant surgery can result in a doll-like effect and poor or no regrowth.
  • The follicular unit extraction method is not controlled: this risk, often ignored, is very serious. A bad extraction of grafts can prevent any new graft attempt afterwards. This risk is particularly common in low-cost hair transplant clinic and when the teams do not have the necessary experience to perform a hair transplant procedure.
  • Non-compliance with sanitary and sterilization rules: compliance with sanitary rules is essential to guarantee the safety and results of the hair loss treatment. If the sanitary rules are not respected, the patient runs the risk of tissue necrosis and/or several types of infections. The hair transplant in Turkey will be unsuccessful, with heavy aesthetic and health consequences.

Stress, poor diet, drugs or smoking are all factors that can cause a hair transplant to fail. To avoid a failed hair transplant, the patient must be in the best condition and take care of himself.

Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (1)

What factors influence the success rate of a hair transplant?

To ensure the success of a hair transplant in Turkey, several factors must be taken into consideration:

Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (2)

The hair transplant surgeons

Choosing the right hair transplant clinic guarantees that you will be taken care of by an experienced surgeon and care team. Hair transplant surgery requires specific qualifications as well as extreme precision and a perfect mastery of the various techniques. Hair transplantation in Turkey must absolutely be performed by a specialized hair transplant surgeons capable of handling several specific tools.

Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (3)

The hair transplant procedure

The choice of technique is also important for the hair transplant to offer the desired result. Whether it is an FUE hair transplant, a manual FUE hair transplant, a DHI hair transplant, a Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant or a hair transplant for women, hair transplantation offers a definitive and natural result provided that the technique used corresponds to the needs of the patient.

Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (4)

Consultations and post hair transplant care

After the hair transplant procedure, the patient must follow the recommendations given by the surgeon and the care team. We always remind our patients of the importance of this. Respecting the post-operative rules is essential to avoid a failed hair transplant. Moreover, the Body Expert ten-year guarantee will not work if these rules are not respected. To ensure that these steps are respected, Body Expert has set up a procedure for monitoring the patient by taking photos at different times during the postoperative period (the first 7 days, at 1 month, etc.).

Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (5)

How to correct failed hair transplants?

There are several solutions to repair hair transplants. The choice of technique depends on the problem encountered. For example, to camouflage a failed hair transplant, especially a strip hair transplant that has left a large scar, the surgeon may propose a hair transplant by FUE. In all cases, it is recommended not to go back to the surgeon who failed the hair transplant, and to go to a professional surgeon who is experienced in the different techniques of repairing a failed hair transplant.

Failed hair transplant: how to avoid it and how to correct it? (2024)


Can you fix a failed hair transplant? ›

The revision or repair process for a bad hair transplant depends on the problems an individual patient faces. If the issue is visible plugs of hair follicles, the revision surgeon can remove the grafts and reduce their size before replacing them to look more natural.

How to tell if a hair transplant failed? ›

Unnatural-Looking Results

Factors such as the direction of the transplanted hair, the design of the hairline, and the distribution of the grafts all contribute to a natural appearance. Poor technique or planning can result in an unnatural look, a common sign of a bad hair transplant.

How to reverse a hair transplant? ›

This presents another possible hair transplant reversal method, as you can use laser hair removal to stop hair growth from the transplanted follicles. However, once your transplanted hair has been lasered, it will not grow back. In addition to this, your hair transplant scars will be more visible.

How often does hair transplant go wrong? ›

Basically, a third of patients do really well, a third of people do so-so, and a third, it doesn't work. With hair transplants, that rule of thirds doesn't exist if it's done properly. Almost 100% of people are fully satisfied with the results. And if they're not, it's usually they need more grafts.”

How likely is it for a hair transplant to fail? ›

Professional clinics with skilled surgeons usually have a failure rate of less than 2%. Unprofessional clinics, on the other hand, may have up to a 30% failure rate.

Can you redo a hair transplant? ›

Poor hair density after a hair transplant – when not enough hairs were transplanted during the procedure – can also be repaired using the FUE technique. This is a complex form of corrective hair transplant surgery which involves implanting additional hairs into the required area in between existing transplanted hair.

How to boost hair transplant results? ›

Staying Hydrated. Ensuring a healthy diet that is rich in minerals, vitamins, and proteins will help strengthen your hair follicles and allow hair to grow more quickly. Certain vitamins can promote the development of collagen and healthy cells throughout the body. Most of these vitamins can be ingested through diet.

What can ruin a hair transplant? ›

The loss of transplanted hair is mainly because the donor hair follicles were harvested from the unsafe donor area. Poor aesthetic results may be due to the unaesthetic design of anterior hairline, poor planning, wrong direction, and angle of implantation of hair follicles.

How do I make sure my hair transplant is successful? ›

Successful hair transplant: how to ensure the best success rate
  1. The choice of the surgeon. ...
  2. A rigorous hair assessment for a good diagnosis. ...
  3. A clear understanding of your expectations. ...
  4. Careful extraction of hair follicles. ...
  5. The right choice of implementation method. ...
  6. Careful placement of the grafts.
Aug 16, 2022

Can hair transplant be done again? ›

It can be common practice for patients to receive a second FUE hair transplant procedure. In fact, hair transplants can be replicated on the same patient (although it is not common) for up to 2-3 times. The second procedure process will be almost identical to the first and will leave scarring.

What to do if you are not happy with hair transplant results? ›

If the dissected hair grafts were too large or the surgery took place years ago when hair transplantation was still a newer procedure, revision hair transplants are possible. Poor design and execution by a less than aesthetically skilled surgeon is one of the more common etiologies of patients seeking reparative work.

Can you go bald again after a hair transplant? ›

You will not go bald after a hair transplant surgery because of the nature of the hair follicles, which are transplanted and are taken from the back and sides of your head, making them less susceptible to balding. However, the transplanted hair may turn thin over time as hair follicles don't last a lifetime.

Can you get a hair transplant touch up? ›

You may need a surgical "touch-up" procedure to create more natural-looking results after your incisions have healed. Sometimes, this involves blending, a filling-in of the hairline using a combination of mini-grafts, micro-grafts or slit grafts.

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