Independence Day - 2018 (2024)

Heroes of Indian Freedom Struggle

Alluri Sitarama Raju

Indian revolutionary independence activist. Raju led the "Rampa Rebellion" of 1922–24. Fought against Madras Forest Act, 1882, along with his followers stole guns and ammunition and killed several British army officers

Potti Sreeramulu

An Indian revolutionary. A devout follower, avid supporter and devotee of Mahatma Gandhi. He participated in the individual satyagraha and the Quit India Movement and was imprisoned on three occasions.

Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu

As a Barister, he defended one of the accused in Ashe, Collector of Tirunelveli, murder case and got away with light sentence. He started attending Congress Party sessions and gave up his lucrative law practice. He ran a national school and khadi production centre. Whenever there was unrest or strife such as a riot, he tried to be there so as to comfort people. He visited Punjab during Akali Satyagraha and the Hindu-Muslim riots in Multan. During non-cooperation movement, he organized demonstration by 30,000 congress volunteers at Guntur. Took part in agitations of Salt tax law. He was arrested and jailed for more than three years for participating in the Quit India Movement

Pattabhi Sitaramaiah

He was an Indian independence activist and political leader. Serving on the Congress Working Committee when Quit India was launched in 1942, he was arrested with the entire committee and incarcerated for three years without outside contact in the fort in Ahmednagar.

Gopinath Bardoloi

He joined the Indian National Congress as a volunteer and actively participated in the fight for independence. Arrested in active participation in the non-cooperation movement and put in jail for a year.

Kanakalata Barua

She was an Indian freedom fighter from Assam. During the Quit India Movement she joined the Mrityu Bahini, a death squad comprising groups of youth from the Gohpur sub division of Assam. On 20th September, 1942 the Bahini decided it would hoist the national flag at the local police station. A procession of unarmed villagers were led by Barua to do so. The police under Rabti Mahan Som the officer-in-charge of the police station warned the procession of dire consequences if they proceeded with their plan. Undeterred by the police, the procession continued marching ahead when the police fired upon the procession. Kanakalata was shot and the flag she was carrying with her was taken by Mukuna Kakoti who too was shot at. She was only 17 years of age the time of her martyrdom.

Kushal Konwar

During Quit India Movement, the people of Assam too spontaneously joined. On 10.10.1942, hidden in the thick fog of early morning, some people removed few sleepers of the railway line near Sarupathar in Golaghat district. A military train passing by derailed and many British and American soldiers lost their lives. The British army immediately cordoned the area and started operation to catch the culprits. Accusing Kushal Konwar as the chief conspirator of the train sabotage, the British police arrested him. An ardent follower of Gandhi ji and his principle of non-violence, Kushal was ignorant about the sabotage plan and action. He was innocent but the police charged him as the mastermind of the train sabotage. He was brought from Golaghat and was lodged in the Jorhat jail on 05.11.1942. He was declared guilty in the court and sentenced to death by hanging. He accepted the verdict with dignity.

Baikuntha Shukla

Assassination of Phanindra Nath Ghosh, hitherto a revolutionary turning as a government approver. He was hanged at the age of 28.

Ramesh Chandra Jha

Went to jail many times because of his daring involvement in Quit India Movement. When he was in High School, entrapped into several cases of the robbery at police stations during freedom struggle. He was thrown out from the school due to leading student protests. During his family’s active involvement in freedom movement Britishers set his house ablaze many times.

Basawon Singh (Sinha)

He was an activist in the Indian independence movement and a campaigner for the rights of the underprivileged, industrial labourers and agricultural workers. He spent around 18 and half years in prison in British India. He absconded after the Lahore conspiracy case. He was coaccused in the Bhusawal, Kakori, Tirhut and Deluaha conspiracy cases.

Jay Prakash Narayan

He joined the Indian National Congress on the invitation of Jawaharlal Nehru. Mahatma Gandhi became his mentor. During Indian independence movement he was arrested, jailed and tortured several times by the British. He won particular fame during the Quit India movement.

Rajendra Prasad

While studying in Calcutta, he participated as volunteer in Indian National Congress. During the Non-cooperation movement, he retired his lucrative career of lawyer as well as his duties in the university to aid the movement. He wrote articles for the revolutionary publications Searchlight and the Desh and collected funds for these papers. He toured widely, explaining, lecturing, and exhorting the principles of the independence movement. During Quit India movement he was arrested from Sadaqat Ashram and sent to Bankipur Central Jail for three years.

Kunwar Singh

Kunwar Singh led the Indian Rebellion of 1857 in Bihar. He was nearly eighty and in failing health when he was called upon to take up arms. He gave a good fight and harried British forces for nearly a year and remained invincible until the end. He was an expert in the art of guerilla warfare. His tactics left British puzzled. He assumed command of the soldiers who had revolted at Danapur on 25th July. During the rebellion, his army had to cross the Ganges river. Douglas’ army began to shoot at their boat. One of the bullets shattered Kunwar Singh’s left wrist. Kunwar Singh felt that his hand had become useless and that there was the additional risk of infection due to the bullet-shot. He drew his sword and cut off his hand near the elbow and offered it to the Ganges.

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

In 1925 met Jawaharlal Nehru in England. Joined the Indian National Congress and actively participated in the Indian freedom movement. In 1942 he was arrested in the Quit India Movement and sentenced to 3 and a half years imprisonment.

Kamla Nehru

He was involved with the Nehrus in the national movement, that she emerged into the forefront. In the non-cooperation movement of 1921, she organized groups of women in Allahabad and picketed shops selling foreign cloth and liquor. She was arrested on two occasions for involvement in independence struggle activities.

Bahadur Shah Zafar

He was a last emperor of India. A nominal emperor, as the Mughal empire existed in the name only and his authority was limited only to the city of Delhi. Following his involvement in the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the British exiled him to Rangoon in British controlled Burman after convicting him on conspiracy charges in a kangaroo court. He was a Urdu poet and wrote may Urdu ghazals.

Motilal Nehru

He started his career as a lawyer. Under the influence of Mahatma Gandhi, he became one of the first to transform his life to exclude western clothes and material goods, adopting a more native Indian lifestyle. He served as President of the Congress Party. He was the only front rank leader to lend his support to non-cooperation at the special Congress at Calcutta. He was arrested during the non-cooperation movement.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Pre-eminent leader of the Indian Nationalism in British ruled India. Employed non-violence civil disobedience. Led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Indian barrister and statesman, one of the founding fathers of the Republic of India. a social leader who played a leading role in the country's struggle for independence and guided its integration into a united, independent nation.

Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi

Active participant in the Independence Movement. He was arrested several times including Quit India Movement.

Dayananda Saraswati

Notable for influencing the freedom movement of India, His views and writings have been used by different writers and other revolutionaries. He was regarded as highest among the makers of modern India.

Vithalbhai Patel

He joined the Congress and the struggle for freedom. He was an influential leader who expanded the struggle through fiery speeches and articles published.

Shyamji Krishna Varma

Indian revolutionaryfighter,[1] lawyer and journalist who founded the Indian Home Rule Society, India House and The Indian Sociologist in London.

Kasturba Gandhi

Working closely with her husband, she became a political activist fighting for civil rights and Indian independence from the British. Whenever her husband was arrested, she took his place.

Mridula Sarabhai

At an early age, she came under the influence of Mahatma Gandhi. As a child of ten, she worked with the Vanara Sena of the Congress and carried messages and water for the satyagrahis. She joined the Congress Seva Dal during the Salt Satyagraha and organized the boycott of foreign cloth and British goods. She was even imprisoned by British for her role in salt satyagraha.

Rao Tula Ram

He was one of the key leaders of the Indian rebellion of 1857 in Haryana, where he is considered a state hero. He is credited with temporarily driving all of the British rule from the region that today is south-west Haryana during the rebellion and also helping rebel forces fighting in the historic city of Delhi with men, money, and material. Noted as a good administrator and military commander, after the 1857 uprising ended, he left India, met rulers of Iran and Afghanistan, and also established contacts with the Tsar of Russia, to seek their help in driving the British from India. His plans were cut short by his death from dysentery in Kabul at the age of 38.

Birsa Munda

The British colonial system intensified the transformation of the tribal agrarian system into feudal state. As the tribals with their primitive technology could not generate surplus non-tribal peasantry were invited by the chiefs in Chotanagpur to settle on and cultivate the land. To the twin challenges of agrarian breakdown and culture change, Birsa along with the Munda responded through a series of revolts and uprisings under his leadership. The movement sought to assert rights of the Mundas as the real proprietors of the soil, and the expulsion of middlemen and the British. He was treacherously caught on 3.02.1900 and died in mysterious conditions on 9.06.1900 in Ranchi jail.

Krishna Menon

Noted for his eloquence, brilliance, and forceful, highly abrasive persona, Menon inspired widespread adulation and fervent detraction in both India and the West. As a young man, he served as co-founding editor of Penguin Books, and led the overseas wing of the Indian independence movement, launching the India League in London, aggressively campaigning within the United Kingdom to win public support for Indian independence and rallying the support of such superpowers as the Soviet Union.

Kittur Chennamma

She was the Queen of Kittur. First Indian female ruler to lead an armed rebellion against the British East India Company in 1824. When the British tried to confiscate the treasure and jewels of Kittur, a war broke out and in that war Collector and political age was killed along with British forces and two British officers were held hostages. During the second assault, she captured and imprisoned where she died.

Sangolli Rayanna

He was the army chief of the Kingdom of Kittur. He participated in the 1824 rebellion and was arrested by the British. He continued to fight the British. He mobilized local people and started a guerilla type war against the British. He and his army moved from place to place, burnt government offices, waylaid British troops and plundered treasuries. He was caught in 1831 and tried by the British and sentenced to death. He was executed by hanging to death.

Kamladevi Chattopadhyay

She was a social reformer and freedom fighter. She was a driving force behind the renaissance of Indian handicarafts, handlooms, and threatre in independent India and for upliftment of the socio economic standard of Indian women. While in London, she came to know of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement and she promptly returned to India to join Seva Dal. She was part of a team to prepare Salt at the Bombay beachfront. In 1930s she was arrested for entering the Bombay Stock Exchange to sell packets of contraband salt and spent almost a year in prison.

Dr. Annie Besant

In 1916 Besant launched the All India Home Rule League along with Lokmanya Tilak, modeling demands for India. She attacked the colonial government of India and called for clear and decisive moves towards self-rule. She was arrested and interned at a hill station.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

First leader of the Indian Independence Movement. Conferred with “Lokamanya”. Father of Indian unrest. Most eminent radical leader of the time.

Vasudev Balwant Phadke

Indian Freedom Fighter who sought India’s independence from British. He was moved by the plight of the farmer community during British Raj. He launched protest speeches against the government, organized insurgent group that aimed at liberating India from British rule. Once he had a direct engagement with the British army and he was captured. He was transported to jail at Aden, escaped and rearrested and then went on a hunger strike to death.

Anant Laxman Kanhere

He is a leader of Indian revolutionary movement. He shot the Collector of Nashik in British India. The murder of Jackson was an important event in the history of Nashik and the Indian revolutionary movement.

Krishnaji Gopal Karve

Leader of Indian revolutionary movement. On 21st December 1909, he along with AnantLaxmanKanhereVinayak Deshpandeshot dead Jackson, the Collector of Nashik.

Ganesh Damodar Savarkar

He was a patriot, nationalist, freedom fighter and founder of Abhinav Bharat Society. He led an armed movement against the British colonial government in India, he was sentenced to transportation for life as a result.Jackson, Collector of Nashik district was assassinated by AnantLaxmanKanhere in retaliation.

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar(Veer Savarkar)

He was a pro-independence activist, politician as well as a poet and writer. He coined the term Hindutva (Hinduness) to create a collective "Hindu" identity as an "imagined nation". He was associated with the India House and founded student societies including Abhinav Bharat Society and the Free India Society, as well as publications espousing the cause of complete Indian independence by revolutionary means. Savarkar published The Indian War of Independence about the Indian rebellion of 1857. Served as the president of the Hindu Mahasabha. Opposed the Quit India struggle in 1942, calling it a "Quit India but keep your army". Fierce critic of the Indian National Congress and its acceptance of India's partition.

Shivaram Rajguru

Indian revolutionary from Maharashtra, Member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). One of the assassinators of J. P. Saunders, DSP in 1928One of the assassinators of J. P. Saunders, DSP in 1928.He was hanged in 1931 along with Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev after the Central Assembly Hall bombings.

Senapati Bapat(Pandurang Mahadev Bapat)

A figure in the Indian independence movement. He acquired the title of Senapti as a consequence of his leadership during the Mulshi satyagraha. During his stay in Britain for pursuing engineering, he was associated with India House, spent a majority of his time learning bomb-making skills instead of pursuing his studies.He was associated with Alipore Bombing of 1908. When he discovered that the majority of population did not realize that their country was under foreign rule, he focused to educate the population. He was arrested in connection with the bombing and was sentenced to imprisonment. He led the three year farmers’ protest against the construction of the Mulshi Dam.

Bhikaiji Cama

A prominent figure in the Indian Independence movement. She was a social reformer and worked for gender equality.

Chapekar Brothers

Indian revolutionaries involved in the assassination of W.C. Rand, the British Plague Commissioner of Pune. All three brothers were found guilty and hanged.

Dadabhai Naoroji

He is regarded as one of the most important Indians during the independence movement. Naoroji sought to prove that Britain was draining money out of India.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Though an earlier leader of the Indian Nationalist movement, he is mainly concerned with social reform. He was a mentor to both Gandhi and Jinnah. Gokhale forced India’s colonial rulers to recognize the capabilities of a new generation of education Indians and to include them more than ever before in the governing process.

Tatya Tope(Ramachandra Pandurang Tope)

A personal adherent of Nana Sahib of Bithur, he progressed with the Gwalior contingent after the British reoccupied Cawnpore and forced General Windham to retreat from the city. Later on, he came to the relief of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi and with her seized the city of Gwalior. However, he as defeated by General Napier’s British Indian troops and Ranod and after a further defeat at Sikar abandoned the campaign. He was executed by the British Government at Shivpuri on 18th April, 1859.

Vinoba Bhave

He was associated with Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian independence movement. He stayed for some time at Gandhi’s Sabarmati ashram in a cottage that was named after him. In 1932 he was sent to jail by the British colonial government because of his activism against British rule. There he gave a series of talks on the Gita in his native language Marathi, to his fellow prisoners. In 1940 he was chosen by Gandhi to be the first individual Satyagrahi against the British rule. He also participated in the Quit India Movement. He was a scholar, thinker and writer. He started his land donation movement at Pochampally of Nalgonda district, Telangana, the Bhoodan Movement.

Babu Genu

He was born in a poor farmer family. He was a worker in one of the cotton mills in Mumbai. He was an active participant in the protests organized by Indian independence activists against the import of foreign-made cloth. On 12th December, 1930, a cloth merchant named George Frazier of Manchester was moving loads of foreign made cloth from his shop in old Hanuman galli in the Fort region to Mumbai port. He was given police protection. The activists begged not to move the truck, but the police forced the protesters aside and managed to get the truck moving. Near Bhaangwadi on Kalbadevi road, Shahid Babu Genu stood in front of the truck, shouting praises for Mahatma Gandhi. The police officer ordered the driver to drive the truck over Shahid Babu Genu, but driver was Indian, he didn’t and said I am Indian and he is also Indian. So, we both are brothers of each other, then how can murder my brother? After that, the English police officer sat on the driver seat and drove the truck over Babu Genu and crushed him to death under the truck. This resulted in a huge wave of anger, strikes, and protests throughout Mumbai.

Rani Gaidinliu

She was a Naga spiritual and political leader who led a revolt against British rule in India. At the age of 13, she joined the Heraka religious movement. The movement later turn into a political movement seeking to drive out British from Manipur and the surrounding Naga areas. She was arrested in 1932 at the age of 16, and was sentenced to life imprisonment by the British rulers. Jawaharlal Nehru met her at Shillong Jail in 1937, and promised to pursue her release. Nehru gave her the title of “Rani” and she gained local popularity as Rani Gaidinliu. She was released in 1947 after India’s independence and continued to work for the upliftment of her people.

Chandra Shekhar Azad

Joined Non.cooperation movement at the age of 15. Involved in Kakori Train Robbery in 1925. Involved in blow up of Viceroy’s train in 1926. Shot J.P. Saunders in Lahore in 1928 to avenge the killing of Lala Lajpat Rai. Shot himself dead with his last bullet.

Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

During 1940’s he was involved in the struggle for Indian independence from the British and joined the Indian National Congress.

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

His defiant patriotism made him a hero in India. He had been a leader of the younger, radical wing of the Indian National Congress. He re-organized and led the Indian National Army.

J.B. Kripalani

He was involved in the Non-cooperation movement of the early 1920s. He worked in Gandhi’s ashrams in Gujarat and Maharashtra on tasks of social reform and education and later for Bihar. He courted arrest on numerous occasions during the Civil Disobedience movements and smaller occasions of organizing protests and publishing seditious material against the British Raj.

Bhagat Singh

Involved in killing of J.P. Saunders to avenge the death of Lala Laljpat Rai. Bombings in Central Legislative Assembly. Undertook hunger strike demanding equal rights to European prisoners. Hanged at the age of 23.

Udham Singh

Best known for assassination of Sir Michael O’Dwter, former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab to avenge Jallianwala Bagh massacre.


Joined Quit India Movement. Participated in acts of protects in driving out the British. Involved in raids and burning of vehicles belonging to Raj.

Sukhdev Thapar

Member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). Involved in the Lahore Conspiracy Case. One of the assassinators of J. P. Saunders, DSP in 1928One of the assassinators of J. P. Saunders, DSP in 1928He was hanged in 1931 along with Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev after the Central Assembly Hall bombings.

Bhagwati Charan Vohra

Leader of Indian revolutionary movement, a party to murder of J. P. Saunders and the throwing of bombs in Central Assembly Hall by Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt. Member of HSRA and Naujawan Bharat Sabha. In response to Gandhi's article, Vohra, in consultation with Azad, wrote famous article entitled The Philosophy of Bomb.

Madan Lal Dhingra

Indian revolutionary independence activist. While studying in England, he assassinated Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie, one of the first acts of revolution in the Indian Independence Movement

Ubaidullah Sindhi

He was the most active and prominent members of the faction of Indian Freedom Movement led by Muslim Clergy Chiefly from the Islamic school of Deoband.

Kartar Singh Sarabha

Indian Sikh revolutionary who was amongst the most famous accused in the Lahore conspiracy trial. A leading luminary of the Ghadar Party, Kartar Singh was executed at Lahore in November 1915 for his role in the Ghadar Conspiracy in February 1915.

Baba Karak Singh

He was among the first graduates from Punjab University, Lahore joined the freedom struggle. He fought with Britishers for Golden Temple. He was a pillar of strength and no threat of coercion could bend his iron will, he inspired innumerable persons. He was in jail for five and a half years.

Bhai Parmanand

He was a founder member of Ghadar Party. Part of Ghadar conspiracy. He was part of the leadership of the revolt and was arrested in connection with the First Lahore conspiracy case and was sentenced to death, later the sentence was commuted to one of transportation for life and imprisoned in the Andaman Islands.

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

He was a Pashtun independence activist against the rule of the British Raj. He was a political and spiritual leader known for his non-violent opposition. He founded the Khudai Khidmatgar movement in 1929, whose success triggered a harsh crackdown by the British Empire against him and his supporters and they suffered some of the most severe repression of the Indian independence movement. He was arrested during protests arising out of the Salt Satyagraha. He was a champion of women’s rights and non-violence. He became a hero in a society dominated by violence. He strongly opposed the partition of India.

Lala Lajpat Rai

He was an Indian Punjabi author and politician who is chiefly remembered as a leader in the Indian independence movement. He was popularly known as Punjab Kesari. He sustained serious injuries by the police when leading a non-violent protest against the Simon Commission and died less than three weeks later.

Shah Nawaz Khan

He was an Indian politician who served as an officer in the Indian National Army during World War-II. He joined the INA in 1943. After the war, he was tried, convicted for treason and sentenced to death in public court-martial carried out by the British Indian Army. The sentence was commuted by the Commander-in-chief of the Indian Army following unrest and protests in India.

Maruthu Pandiyar

Issued proclamation of Independence from Colonial British Rule, first war of Indian Independence

V.O. Chidambaram Pillai

Established first Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company competing against British Ships. He was charged with sedition and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Subramania Bharati

Wrote many fiery sons kindling patriotism and nationalism during Indian Independence movement. Great social reformer.

Chakravarti Rajgopalachari

Was a Lawyer, independence activist, politician, writer and statesman. He defended Indian independence activist against charges of sedition and participated in the agitations against Rowlatt Act. Participated in Non-cooperation movement and gave up his law practice. Took part in Dandi March and broke salt laws. The last Governor General of India.

K. Kamaraj

While he was working in his uncle’s provision shop he started joining processions and attending public meetings about the Indian Home Rule Movement. He developed an interest in prevailing political conditions by reading newspapers daily. Jallianwala Bagh massacre was the decisive turning point in his life and at this point he decided his aim was to fight for national freedom and to bring an end to foreign rule. He was first jailed in 1930 for two years for participation in the Salt Satyagraha. He was imprisoned six times by the British for his pro-independence activities, accumulating more than 3000 days in jail.

Lakshmi Sehgal

She was a revolutionary of the Indian independence movement, an officer of the Indian National Army, and the Minister of Women’s Affairs in the Azad Hind government. She is commonly referred to in India as “Captain Lakshmi”.

Thiruppur Kumaran

He was a revolutionary who participated in the Indian independence movement. He founded Desa Bandhu Youth Association and led protests against the British. He died from injuries sustained from a police assault on the banks of Noyyal River in Tiruppur during a protest march against the British government on 11th January, 1932. At the time of his death, he was holding the flag of the Indian Nationalists, which had been banned by the British giving rise to the epithet Kodi Kaththa Kumaran.

Sarojini Naidu

An Indian independence activist and poet. In 1930 during the salt satyagraha, she was one of the women protesters at the Dharsana salt works, Gujrat. She played a leading role during the Civil Disobedience Movement and was jailed along with Gandhi and other leaders.

Dr. Zakir Husain

He established Jamia Millia Islamia through which intimately involved with India’s struggle fro freedom from the British Rule and experimented with value based education on the lines advocated by mahatma Gandhi and Hakim Ajmal Khan.

Komaram Bheem

He was born into a family of Gond Tribals in the forests of Adilabad in the state of Telangana. He was not exposed to the outside world and did not have any formal education. Talukdar Abdul Sattar failed to bring Bheem to kow-tow his line. Abdul Sattar, well equipped with ninety policemen armed with guns, attacked Bheem, who did not have any armour to protect himself. On that fateful full moon night, hundreds of followers of Bheem armed themselves with bows, arrows, swords and spears. The fearless Gonds launched a frontal assault, from just a dozen feet away from the Nizam’s police force, braved their guns, only to be riddled with bullets. That night, the martyr Komaram Bheem became diety and eternal hero to the Hindu community.

Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna

He was jailed as a part of Quit India Movement from 1942 to 46.

Gobind Ballabh Pant

As a young lawyer, he began active work against the British Raj in 1914. Congress used his lawyer skills to defend the revolutioners involved in Kakori train robbery conspiracy. In 1930 he was arrested and imprisoned for several weeks for organizing a Salt March inspired by Gandhi’s earlier actions. Later in two occasions he was arrested.

Jawaharlal Nehru

He was an ardent nationalist during his youth. He developed an interest in Indian politics during his time in Britain. The first big national involvement of Nehru came at the onset of the non-cooperation movement in 1920. He led the movement in the United provinces. He was arrested on charges of anti-governmental activities in 1921 and was released a few months later. He played a leading role in the development of the internationalist outlook of the Indian independence struggle. He was one of the first leaders to demand that the Congress Party should resolve to make a complete and explicit break from all ties with the British Empire.

Lal Bahadur Shastri

Deeply impressed and influenced by Mahatma Gandhi. In 1928 Shastri become an active member of congress at the call of Gandhiji. Shastri participated in the Salt Satyagraha in 1930 and imprisoned for two and a half years.

Ashfaqulla Khan

Earlier part of Non.cooperation movement. Later parted with revolutionaries. Funding to procure bombs, revolvers and other weapons to instill fear in the hearts of Britishers, planned Kakori train robbery and executed with the help of fellow revolutionars. Hanged at the age of 27.

Sachindra Bakshi

He is a prominent Indian revolutionary belonging to the Hindustan Republican Association. He participated in Kakori train robbery and sentenced to life.

Manmath Nath Gupta

Joined the Indian Nationalist movement at the age of 13. Involved in Kakori train robbery conspiracy. Though he shot dead a passenger in the incident, he was not handed over death sentence being a teenager, he sentenced to rigorous life imprisonment.

Roshan Singh

Sentenced in the Bareilly shooting case during Non Cooperation Movement of 1921.22. joined the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) in 1924. Although he had not taken part in the Kakori conspiracy, yet he was arrested and punished with death sentence by the then British Government.

Durgawati Devi

Indian revolutionary and a freedom fighter. Wife of Bhagwati Charan Vohra, HSRA member

Begum Hazrat Mahal

She rebelled against the British East India Company during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. She finally found asylum in Nepal where she died in 1879.

Bakht Khan

He was commander-in-chief of Indian rebel forces in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 against the East India Company.

Maulvi Liaquat Ali

A Muslim religious leader from Allahabad. He was one of the leaders in the revolt against the British in 1857. He captured the Khusro Bagh and declared the independence of India and he took charge as the Governor of Liberated Allahabad. He escaped from Allahabad after the British recaptured Allahabad. After 14 years, he was arrested and sentenced to death, but died in captivity.

Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthy

He was a journalist came under the influence of the nationalist upsurge, which was taking place in the country. He became an agent of the well-known revolutionary Hindi and Urdu journals – Karamyogi and Swarajya and also began to contribute to them. In 1916 when met Gandhi ji in Lucknow, threw himself whole-heartedly in the national movement. He took a leading part in the Home rule Movement and led the first strike of textile workers in Kanpur. He was sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment for championing the cause of peasants of Rae Bareli. Then again sent to jail for delivering seditious speech. Later butchered in a communal violence in Kanpur

Rani Laxmibai

She was one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and became for Indian nationalists a symbol of resistance to the British Raj.

Tej Bahadur Sapru

He joined the Liberal party of India after the Congress began advocating Swaraj and supporting popular agitation and Civil disobedience against British colonial rule. A constitutionalist, he advocated for greater political rights and freedoms for Indians to be achieved through dialogue with British authorities and did not support Indian independence from the British Empire. He mediated between Gandhi and the Viceroy Lord Irwin, helping to forge the Gandhi-Irwin Pact that ended the Salt Satyagraha. He was chosen as the representative of Indian Liberals at the Round Table Conferences which sought to deliberate plans over granting more autonomy to Indians. His last prominent role was as one of the main lawyers engaged to defend captured soldiers of the rebel Indian National Army.

Mangal Pandey

He was an Indian soldier who played a key par in event immediately preceding the outbreak of the Indian rebellion of 1857. He was a sepoy in the 34th Bengal Native Infantry regiment of the British East India Company. While contemporary British opinion considered him a traitor and mutineer. The attack by and punishment of Pandey is widely seen as the opening scene of what came to be known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Knowledge of his action was widespread amongst his fellow sepoys and is assumed to have been one of the factors leading to the general series of mutinies that broke out during the following months.

Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari

He became involved in the Indian independence movement during his stay in England. He moved back to Delhi and joined both the Indian Congress and the Muslim League. He played an important role in the negotiation of the Lucknow Pact and served as the League’s president.

Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya

He was an educationalist and politician notable for his role in the Indian Independence movement. To redeem his resolve to serve the cause of education and social-service he renounced his well established practice of law for ever. But when 177 freedom fighters were convicted to be hanged in the Chauri-Chaura case he appeared before the court, despite his vow and got acquitted 156 freedom fighters. He was an important figure I the non-cooperation movement. However, he was opposed to the politics of appeasem*nt and the participation of Congress in Khilafat movement. He joined in protesting against the Simon Commission. As the “Buy British” campaign was sweeping England, he issued a manifesto urging concentrating on the “Buy Indian” movement in India. He was a delegate at the Second Round Table Conference. He founded Ganga Mahasabha to oppose the damning of Ganges. He compelled the British government to sign an agreement with Ganga Mahasabha and other Hindu religious leaders on uninterrupted flow of Ganges in Haridwar and protect Ganges for future obstructions. He is founder of Banaras Hindu University.

Purushottam Das Tandon

He was a member of Indian National Congress since his student days. In the 1920s and 1930s he was arrested for participating in the non-cooperation movement and Salt Satyagraha respectively. He was known for his efforts in farmers’ movements and he served as the President, Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha in 1934.

Ram Prasad Bismil

He was revolutionary who participated in Mainpuri conspiracy of 1918 and the Kakori train robbery and struggled against British imperialism. As well as being a freedom fighter, he was a patriotic poet and wrote in Hindu and Urdu. He formed a revolutionary organization called Matrivedi. He had contacts with some powerful dacoits of the state and wanted to utilize their power in the armed struggle against the British rulers. To collect funds for the party looting was undertaken on three occasions. From 1919 to 1920 he remained inconspicuous, moving around various villages in UP and producing several books. He executed a meticulous plan for looting the government treasury carried in a train a Kakori.

Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee

Jogesh Chandra was member of the Anushilan Samiti.He was one of the founder members of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). He was arrested several times for revolutionary activities. He was tried in the Kakori conspiracy case in 1926 and received rigorous imprisonment for life.

Khudiram Bose

At the age of sixteen he planted bombs in nearby police stations and targeted government officials. Tasked with the murder of Kingsford, the Magistrate of Muzaffarpur. Sentenced to death and executed on 11th August, 1908.

Chittaranjan Das

Leader in Non.cooperation Movement from Bengal. Initiated the ban of British clothes by setting example of burning his own European clothes and wearing Khadi clothes. Founder of Swaraj Party under British Rule. He was referred by “Desh Bandhu – Friend of the Nation”.

Bagha Jatin

Leader of Indian revolutionary movement. Principal leader of the Yugantar party, a central association of revolutionaries in Bengal.Jatin, together with Barindra Ghosh, set up a bomb factory near Deoghar. With his associates he started a branch of the Anushilan Samiti called Bandhab Samiti.

Batukeshwar Dutt

Along with Bhagat Singh, exploded bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly in New Delhi on 8 April 1929. After he was arrested, tried and imprisoned for life.He was also a member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.

Pritilata Waddedar

She is a Bengali Revolutionary Activist. Joined a revolutionary group headed by Surya Sen. She led a team of fifteen revolutionaries in a 1932 attack on the Pahartali European Club. To avoid getting arrested, Pritilata consumed cyanide and died.

Jatindra Nath Das

Joined the Anushilan Samiti, a revolutionary group in Bengal, at a young age and also participated in Gandhi's Non.Cooperation movement in 1921.He was imprisoned in Lahore Conspiracy Case. Died fasting against ill treatment meted to inmates of Jail.

Surya Sen

In 1918 he was selected as president of Indian National Congress, Chittagong branch. Noted for leading the 1930 Chittagong armoury raid In Chittagong.

Ananta Singh

Indian revolutionary, who participated in the Chittagong armoury raid in 1930.

Ganesh Ghosh

He was a revolutionary. Participated in Chittagong armoury raid along with other revolutionaries. After the trial he was deported to the Cellular Jain in Port Blair.


Indian nationalist, hindu philosopher, yogi, guru and poet. He was imprisoned by the British for writing articles against British rule in India. he founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Rash Behari Bose

One of the key organisers of the Ghadar Revolution and later, the Indian National Army.

Lokenath Bal

He was an Indian independence activist and a member of the armed resistance movement led by Surya Sen, which carried out the Chittagong armoury raid. The group led by him took over the AFI armoury. Later he ld another gunfight with a combined forces comprising the British army and the British police. He was arrested after a gun fight and sentenced to transportation for life and sent to Cellular Jail in Port Blair.

Ambika Chakrabarty

Took part in Chittagong armory raid. Seriously injured in the gunfight with the British Army but able to escape and later arrested from his hideout. Initially sentenced to death, which was later changed to transportation for life in Cellular Jain in Port Blair.

Badal Gupta

Shot dead Col NS Simpson, Inspector General Prisons, who was infamous for oppression on the prisoners, at Writers Building. He did not wish to get arrested consumed cyanide and died on the spot.

Dinesh Chandra Gupta

Shot dead Col NS Simpson, Inspector General Prisons, who was infamous for oppression on the prisoners, at Writers Building. He did not wish to get arrested shot with his own revolver and survived. Later he was sentenced to death.

Benoy Basu

In a first incident he shot dead Lowman, Inspector General of Police. Shot dead Col NS Simpson, Inspector General Prisons, who was infamous for oppression on the prisoners, at Writers Building. He did not wish to get arrested shot with his own revolver and died.

Rajendra Lahiri

Took part in Dakshineswar bombing incident and absconded. Later arrested while participating in Kakori train robbery, sent to jail for 10 years rigorous imprisonment. He was found guilty after a long trial and handed.

Barindra Kumar Ghosh

He is a founder Member of Jugantar, a revolutionary outfit in Bengal. Took part in Alipore Bomb case. He was sentenced to death later reduced to life imprisonment and deported to the Cellular Jail in Andaman.

Prafulla Chaki

He was expelled from Rangpur Zilla School when studying in Class 9 for taking part in a students’ demonstration that violated East Bengal Law. Tasked with the murder of Kingsford, the Magistrate of Muzaffarpur. While escaping from the scene, he was cornered at Mokama Ghat Railway station, where he shot himself with revolver.

Ullaskar Dutta

He was expert in bomb making and his bombs were used in killing of Kingsford. He was arrested in Alipore bomb case and sentenced to death. Later the sentence was reduced to transportation for life and deported to Cellular Jail in Andaman. He was subjected to brutal torture in the Jail and said to have lost his mental balance.

Bhupendra Kumar Datta

He holds the record of hunger strike for 78 days in Bilaspur Jail. Member of Anushilan Samiti and a revolutionary.

Hemchandra Kanungo

One of the pioneer leaders of the secret revolutionary organization and a principle co.accused in Alipore bomb case. He was sentenced to transportation for life in Andamans and released in 1921. He was probably the first revolutionary from India who went abroad to obtain military and political training. He opened a secret bomb factory.

Bhavabhushan Mitra

He a Bengali Indian freedom fighter and an influential social worker. He represented the link between two radical trends one led by Barindra Kumar Ghose and Jugantar movement under Bagha Jatin.

Bina Das

Indian revolutionary and nationalist from Bengal. She was a member of Chhatri Sangha, a semi.revolutionary organisation for women in Kolkata. She attempted to assassinate the Bengal Governor Stanley Jackson, and was sentenced to nine years of rigorous imprisonment.

Kalpana Datta

Member of the armed independence movement led by Surya Sen, which carried out the Chittagong armoury raidin 1930. Later she joined theCommunist Party of India

Binod Bihari Chowdhury

Indian Independence activist and a member of the armed resistance movement led by Chittagong Armoury Raid led by Surya Sen. He was s veteran member of the civil society of Bangladesh.

Bhupendranath Datta

His elder brother was Swami Vivekananda. He was an Indian revolutionary and later a noted sociologist. In his youth, he was closely associated with the Jugantar movement, serving as the editor of Jugantar Patrika. he was privy to the Indo-German Conspiracy.

Amarendranath Chatterjee

He was charge of raising funds for the Jugantar movement, his activities largely covered revolutionary centres in Bihar, Odisha and the United Provinces.

Atulkrishna Ghosh

an Indian revolutionary, member of the Anushilan Samiti, and a leader of the Jugantar movement involved in Hindu German Conspiracy during World War I.

Subodh Roy

Indian Bengali revolutionary socialist. he was the youngest participant in the Chittagong armoury raid in 1930.31 under the direction of the revolutionary leader Surya Sen

Matangini Hazra

An Indian revolutionary who participated in the Indian independence movement until she was shot dead by the British Indian police

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

He was a Bengali writer, poet and journalist. Composer of India’s National Song Vande Mataram. He was a great motivator through his writings.

Bipin Chandra Pal

He was the Father of Revolutionary Thoughts. Also known as Bengal Tiger. He was recognized as the chief exponent of a new national movement revolving around the ideals of Purna Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott and national education. He preached the use of Swadesh and the boycott of foreign goods to eradicate poverty and unemployment.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

He developed political views considered radical for most Akbad Muslims of the time and became a full-fledged Indian nationalist. HE fiercely criticized the British for radical discrimination and ignoring the needs of common people across India. He also criticized Muslim politicians for focusing on communal issues before the national interest and reject the All India Muslim League’s communal separatism.

Pulin Behari Das

He was an Indian revolutionary and the founder-president of Dhaka Anushilan Samiti. He founded the National School in Dhaka used as a training round for raising revolutionary force. He mastermined the plot to eliminate Basil Copleston Allen, the erstwhile District Magistrate of Dhaka. In 1908 he organized the sensational Barrah Dacoity. The fund was used for buying arms and ammunition. He was arrested and interred in Motgomery Jail. He was arrested against with other revolutionaries on charges of sedition. After trail, he was awarded lifelong imprisonment and transferred to the Cellular Jail.

Sarat Chandra Bose

He was a barrister having a successful legal practice upon return to India but later abandoned it to join the Indian independence movement. He actively participated in the Quit India Movement.

Independence Day - 2018 (2024)
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