Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (2024)

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Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (2)

What is a Good MCAT Score?

What MCAT score do you need? Needing acertain MCAT score is highly dependent onthe schools you are applying to.

Aligning your GPA, MCAT score, and targetschools will help you create an accurate setof expectations and goals.

First and foremost, let’s discuss how thescoring of the MCAT works.


The MCAT is divided into four sections, witheach being scored somewhere between118 and 132.

Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (3)

Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (4)The AAMC places the mean and median score of eachsection at 125, setting the overall mean and median 2016MCAT score at 500.

Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (5)There are 57 possible overall MCAT scores, ranging from a472 to 528—although section scores may vary foreach student.

Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (6)Placing the average 2016 MCAT score at 500 stresses themiddle portion of test takers where most students lie.

Is 505 a good MCAT Store? - MCAT Retake Calculator - Jack Westin (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.