Lean Canvas: Everything You Should Know (2024)

Entrepreneurs spend most of their time designing and drafting a well-researched and thorough business plan which isn’t necessary at the ideation stage or the introduction stage of their product. One of the major drawbacks of developing a business plan is that it is hardly read (twice) by anyone which leaves the scope of it being edited to zero. Steve Blank refers to a business plan as:

“a document investors make you write, that they don’t read”

The lean canvas is a new and efficient approach to developing a single-page business plan that helps you to deconstruct your business idea into key assumptions to analyse it better.

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What Is A Lean Canvas?

Lean canvas, designed by Ash Maurya, is a single-page business plan template that helps you to break down your idea into its basic assumptions to make it more readable and easily editable.

It has been adapted from Alex Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas and replaces complex business plans with a concise and portable single-page document.

The business model canvas applies the methods and techniques used by Skype and Apple to attain product success in the market whereas the lean canvas is more target-specific and integrates both small and large businesses effectively. The lean canvas is designed specifically for startups; it pivots on addressing wider customer problems and solutions and through a unique value proposition, it delivers them to customer segments.

Difference Between Business Model Canvas And Lean Canvas

Lean Canvas: Everything You Should Know (1)

The business model canvas was created to solve the issue of business plans being uninterruptedly outdated as soon as they are in the initial stages of development. Hence, it can be said that it was developed for the companies which had a physical presence in the market to ease the planning and successful execution of the next phases. However, when startups which didn’t have a legit physical presence used the business model canvas, they weren’t able to fill all the boxes and the canvas remained partially complete.

The lean canvas is acclimatised for startups at the beginning of their existence, unlike the business model canvas which is applicable to existing businesses as well. The canvas uses the same 9 blocks technique except the blocks have been renamed to suit perfectly the needs of a lean startup. It provides the founders with an opportunity to record the business model of their startup which will then be updated constantly as time goes on. The lean canvas is always entrepreneurs-focused and is equally useful for every person involved in introducing a new product or idea to the market.

Unlike the business model canvas, the lean canvas has a problem-solution fit approach to eliminate what’s not needed in the business plan.

This approach of lean canvas became useful for new startups. Since startups often have no products to test the demand in the market, it doesn’t pay much attention to customer segments. This is often interpreted as to its drawback.

Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas Template

On comparing this template with the Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas Template, it is seen that Ash Maurya took out four boxes and replaced them with new boxes in the Lean Canvas.

Key Activities, as well as Key Resources, have been removed because these boxes were more “outside-in” focused. They are called “outside-in” because they help outsiders to understand what the startup did.
Ash Maurya was an advocate of starting every product with a direct customer relationship. He felt it seemed better captured by the existing Channels box and thus replaced the Customer Relationships box in Lean Canvas.

Quite a few products were successful by having the right partners in the company. However, most products do not fall into this category. Over time, partners can become censorious in rearranging the data to increase the efficiency of the business model of the company. Then it was found that the risk here isn’t the lack of partners but can rather be traced back to inefficiencies in Cost Structure and Distribution Channels and thus Key Partners was removed from Lean Canvas.

Structure of Lean Canvas

Lean Canvas: Everything You Should Know (2)

Each component of the Lean Canvas has been briefly explained below in the order they are charted.


The problem box in Lean Canvas was created to list one to three high-priority problems that need solving. The wrong products are built when several businesses fail to apply good effort, time and fiscal resources. It is thus crucial in understanding the problem first.

Customer Segments

It has been observed that if the target is to attract more than one range of customers, for example, engineers and accountants, it is better to create a canvas for each one. The Problem box and CS can be seen as linked with each other intrinsically, i.e. You can’t think of any problems without a Customer Segment, and vice versa.

Unique Value Proposition

Unique Value Proposition is situated in the middle of the Lean Canvas. A promise of value to be delivered to the customers is called a value proposition. This should be the main reason a prospective buyer has to buy from you. Thinking and understanding why your product is dissimilar and why should your Customer Segments want to buy or invest in your company and your product is the best way to understand unique value proposition.


A cordial solution has to be found once the problem has been recognised. This is the reason why the Minimum Viable Product concept within a Solution box was introduced in the Lean Canvas. The jackpot has been finding the solution to the problem. What is needed to be done is‘Get Out The Building’ — a phrase created by the godfather of Lean Startup, Steve Blanks. What Blanks meant is that the solution cannot be found in the office building but out there in the streets. The best way to understand the phrase is by interviewing your CS, asking them questions and taking those learning into account.

Key Metrics

It is better for a Startup to pivot on one metric and develop on it. The metrics should include the range of services or products you like to provide. Since the wrong one could be disastrous to the startup, it is therefore critical that the right metric is identified. Irrespective of industry or size, every business will have some key metrics that are used to monitor performance.


Channels are the best way for you to reach out to your Customer Segment. It is essential to focus on learning about the channels than not to think about scale in the initial stages. Channels, which are free as well as paid, can be used to reach your customer directly. Some examples of Channels are social, trade shows, email, CPC ads, radio & TV, blogs, webinars, articles etc.

Cost Structure

The entire variable cost, as well as the fixed costs, is to be listed here. Questions regarding Cost Structure are to be thought out here. How much will it cost to build a page? What is the amount required to run your company in a month? What will be the cost to interview your customer segment? How much do market research papers cost? etc. A rough break-even point can then be calculated from these costs and potential revenue streams.

Revenue Streams

The model type decides how you rate your business. It is common for startups to lower their cost or even offer it for free in the beginning to gain attraction. The key is it actually delays or even avoids getting checked for validity. It has been seen that getting people to sign up for something for free is a lot different than asking them to pay as they are more interested in free products.

Unfair Advantage

Ash Maurya said, “You may initially have to leave this box blank but the reason it’s here is to have you really think about how you can both make yourself different and make your difference matter”. A startup should always have the capability to recognise whether or not it has an unfair advantage over others. Unfair advantage can come in different forms like getting expert endorsem*nts, a dream team, insider information, existing customers etc.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

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Lean Canvas: Everything You Should Know (3)

Rameez M Sydeek

A startup enthusiast who believes anything can be built if you do that required research and get the base ready.

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Lean Canvas: Everything You Should Know (2024)


What are the 5 components of Lean Canvas model? ›

Here is an overview of every component that makes up the lean canvas.
  • Problem. The first box defines the problem you're hoping to solve. ...
  • Solution. The solution section is where the actual solution is fleshed out in more detail. ...
  • Key Metrics. ...
  • Value Proposition. ...
  • Advantages. ...
  • Channels. ...
  • Customer Segments. ...
  • Cost Structure.
Jul 26, 2023

What are the 9 parts of the Lean Canvas? ›

The Business Model Canvas consists of nine essential parts: Customer Segments, Value Proposition, Revenue Streams, Channels, Customer Relationships, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, and Cost Structure.

How do you explain Lean Canvas? ›

Lean Canvas Business Modeling

It is a one-page document that includes all of the important aspects of a business, such as its value proposition, target market, channels, cost structure, and revenue streams. The canvas is divided into nine sections, each of which represents a different element of the business.

What are key metrics in Lean Canvas? ›

Your Lean Canvas should outline how you will measure success. Key Metrics allow you to track and evaluate the success of a specific business process. A Key Metric could be daily visitors to your site, the number of company emails opened by consumers per hour or the monthly sales of a specific feature.

What are the 5 dimensions of lean? ›

Lean implementation is comprised of five main dimensions, which are transactional, organizational, spatial, time, and resources. Collectively, these dimensions help companies function more effectively and efficiently throughout the production process.

What are the 9 blocks of the business model? ›

A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value. It can be described through 9 building blocks: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships & Cost Structure.

How do you fill out a Lean Canvas? ›

The Ultimate Guide to Fill in Lean Canvas in 20 Minutes
  1. Start with the 'Customer Segments' ...
  2. Define the Problem Your Product Solves. ...
  3. Decide on Revenue Streams. ...
  4. Provide Solution. ...
  5. Write down Unique Value Proposition. ...
  6. Find Effective Channels. ...
  7. List Key Metrics. ...
  8. Estimate Cost Structure.
Apr 20, 2022

What is the problem in the Lean Canvas? ›

Problem. The problem box in Lean Canvas was created to list one to three high-priority problems that need solving. The wrong products are built when several businesses fail to apply good effort, time and fiscal resources. It is thus crucial in understanding the problem first.

What is Lean Canvas template? ›

A lean canvas template is a one-page business plan that helps teams easily visualize their business model. By following a simplified framework, teams can focus on the most important elements of their model to inform their business strategy and overall decision-making process.

What are the disadvantages of a Lean Canvas? ›

First, a lean canvas can be too vague and abstract for some products and markets, especially if you need to consider more details and nuances of your value proposition, customer segments, and competitive landscape.

How long should a Lean Canvas be? ›

How long should a Lean Canvas be? A Lean Canvas, by its very nature, is designed to fit on a single page, and take around 20 minutes to complete. This allows for quick and easy visualization of the core business model elements.

What is the right fill order for a Lean Canvas? ›

There is none... because good ideas can come anywhere. So, when sketching your first Lean Canvas, use whatever order comes most naturally to you. The goal with your first canvas should be taking a quick snapshot of your idea -- not seeking perfection.

What is a KPI in lean? ›

Successful businesses rely on key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their production performance and make adjustments as needed. These metrics in Lean manufacturing aim to maximize productivity while minimizing waste within their operations.

What is the unfair advantage in the Lean Canvas? ›

What is the Unfair Advantage? One of the key components of the Lean Canvas is the “unfair advantage.” This refers to a unique and hard-to-replicate advantage that sets a business apart from its competitors. It could be a proprietary technology, exclusive partnerships, valuable data, or a team's specialized expertise.

What is key resources in Lean Canvas? ›

The key resources category includes assets essential to the business, tangible, intangible, rented and owned. These key resources will allow companies to offer value-based propositions, foster outstanding customer relationships, and accumulate revenue through various marketing and distribution channels.

Which of the following are 5 lean principles? ›

What are the 5 Lean Principles?
  • Define Value. The monetary worth that a customer is willing to pay for something is called value. ...
  • Map the Value Stream. ...
  • Create Flow. ...
  • Establish Pull. ...
  • Pursue Perfection.
Mar 30, 2023

What are the segments of the Lean Canvas? ›

What are the key sections of the lean canvas? The 9 sections are Customer Segments, Problem, Unique Value Proposition, Solution, Channels, Revenue Streams, Cost Structure, Key Metrics, and Unfair Advantage.

What is a Lean Canvas model used for? ›

The Lean Canvas was designed for startups and has components specifically targeted to support the lean startup process. Lean Canvas is utilized to validate your ideas and concept. Companies often move to business model canvas when they have validated the business or are already a traditional business.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.