[RPG-MAKER.FR] Scripts - Fullscreen++ (2024)

Auteur : Zeus81
Logiciel : RPG Maker VX et VX Ace
Nombre de scripts : 1

Ce script enlève le cadre noir en mode plein écran.

Conditions d'utilisation
Ce script est sous licence Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 :
- Vous devez créditer l'auteur (Zeus81)
- Vous pouvez l'utiliser dans vos projets commerciaux
- Vous pouvez distribuer le script original ou modifié, sous les mêmes conditions.


A placer au-dessus de Main.

Pour avoir le mode plein écran optimisé, le joueur doit presser F5. Vous pouvez désactiver partiellement l'ancien mode en mettant la ligne 9 à true au lieu de falsme, ce qui supprimera le fonctionnement via ALT+F4. Mais si vous pressez ALT+Entrée, vous aurez quand même le screen plein écran par défaut (avec les bordures).
Pour changer le ratio, vous devez presser F6.
Les données modifiées sont enregistrées dans le fichier Game.Ini, et reprises lors du changement du jeu, donc n'oubliez pas de les configurer dans le fichier avant de partager votre jeu.

Il existe différentes commandes de script utilisables en appel de script :
Pour VX :

Graphics.vx_fullscreen? : retourne si l'écran est en plein écran.
Graphics.vx_fullscreen_mode : Passer en plein écran.
Graphics.vx_windowed_mode : Passer en fenêtré.
Graphics.toggle_fullscreen : Intervertir le mode (si en fenêtré, on passe en plein écran, et vice versa).

Pour VX Ace :

Graphics.fullscreen? : retourne si l'écran est en plein écran.
Graphics.fullscreen_mode : Passer en plein écran
Graphics.windowed_mode : Passer en fenêtré
Graphics.toggle_fullscreen : Intervertir le mode (si en fenêtré, on passe en plein écran, et vice versa).
Graphics.toggle_ratio : Intervertir le mode (si en fenêtré, on passe en plein écran, et vice versa).

Pour les deux :

Graphics.ratio : retourne le ratio.
Graphics.ratio = n : remplace le ratio.[/quote]

Version 2.2 (recommandée)

# Fullscreen++ v2.2 for VX and VXace by Zeus81# Free for non commercial and commercial use# Licence : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/# Contact : zeusex81@gmail.com# (fr) Manuel d'utilisation : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1TQfMnVJ# (en) User Guide : http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=EgnWt9ur $imported ||= {}$imported[:Zeus_Fullscreen] = __FILE__ class << Graphics Disable_VX_Fullscreen = false CreateWindowEx = Win32API.new('user32' , 'CreateWindowEx' , 'ippiiiiiiiii', 'i') GetClientRect = Win32API.new('user32' , 'GetClientRect' , 'ip' , 'i') GetDC = Win32API.new('user32' , 'GetDC' , 'i' , 'i') GetSystemMetrics = Win32API.new('user32' , 'GetSystemMetrics' , 'i' , 'i') GetWindowRect = Win32API.new('user32' , 'GetWindowRect' , 'ip' , 'i') FillRect = Win32API.new('user32' , 'FillRect' , 'ipi' , 'i') FindWindow = Win32API.new('user32' , 'FindWindow' , 'pp' , 'i') ReleaseDC = Win32API.new('user32' , 'ReleaseDC' , 'ii' , 'i') SendInput = Win32API.new('user32' , 'SendInput' , 'ipi' , 'i') SetWindowLong = Win32API.new('user32' , 'SetWindowLong' , 'iii' , 'i') SetWindowPos = Win32API.new('user32' , 'SetWindowPos' , 'iiiiiii' , 'i') ShowWindow = Win32API.new('user32' , 'ShowWindow' , 'ii' , 'i') SystemParametersInfo = Win32API.new('user32' , 'SystemParametersInfo' , 'iipi' , 'i') UpdateWindow = Win32API.new('user32' , 'UpdateWindow' , 'i' , 'i') GetPrivateProfileString = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileString' , 'ppppip' , 'i') WritePrivateProfileString = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'WritePrivateProfileString', 'pppp' , 'i') CreateSolidBrush = Win32API.new('gdi32' , 'CreateSolidBrush' , 'i' , 'i') DeleteObject = Win32API.new('gdi32' , 'DeleteObject' , 'i' , 'i') unless method_defined?(:zeus_fullscreen_update) HWND = FindWindow.call('RGSS Player', 0) BackHWND = CreateWindowEx.call(0x08000008, 'Static', '', 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) alias zeus_fullscreen_resize_screen resize_screen alias zeus_fullscreen_update update endprivate def initialize_fullscreen_rects @borders_size ||= borders_size @fullscreen_rect ||= screen_rect @workarea_rect ||= workarea_rect end def borders_size GetWindowRect.call(HWND, wrect = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('l4')) GetClientRect.call(HWND, crect = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('l4')) wrect, crect = wrect.unpack('l4'), crect.unpack('l4') Rect.new(0, 0, wrect[2]-wrect[0]-crect[2], wrect[3]-wrect[1]-crect[3]) end def screen_rect Rect.new(0, 0, GetSystemMetrics.call(0), GetSystemMetrics.call(1)) end def workarea_rect SystemParametersInfo.call(0x30, 0, rect = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('l4'), 0) rect = rect.unpack('l4') Rect.new(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2]-rect[0], rect[3]-rect[1]) end def hide_borders() SetWindowLong.call(HWND, -16, 0x14000000) end def show_borders() SetWindowLong.call(HWND, -16, 0x14CA0000) end def hide_back() ShowWindow.call(BackHWND, 0) end def show_back ShowWindow.call(BackHWND, 3) UpdateWindow.call(BackHWND) dc = GetDC.call(BackHWND) rect = [0, 0, @fullscreen_rect.width, @fullscreen_rect.height].pack('l4') brush = CreateSolidBrush.call(0) FillRect.call(dc, rect, brush) ReleaseDC.call(BackHWND, dc) DeleteObject.call(brush) end def resize_window(w, h) if @fullscreen x, y, z = (@fullscreen_rect.width-w)/2, (@fullscreen_rect.height-h)/2, -1 else w += @borders_size.width h += @borders_size.height x = @workarea_rect.x + (@workarea_rect.width - w) / 2 y = @workarea_rect.y + (@workarea_rect.height - h) / 2 z = -2 end SetWindowPos.call(HWND, z, x, y, w, h, 0) end def release_alt inputs = [1,18,2, 1,164,2, 1,165,2].pack('LSx2Lx16'*3) SendInput.call(3, inputs, 28) endpublic def load_fullscreen_settings buffer = [].pack('x256') section = 'Fullscreen++' filename = './Game.ini' get_option = Proc.new do |key, default_value| l = GetPrivateProfileString.call(section, key, default_value, buffer, buffer.size, filename) buffer[0, l] end @fullscreen = get_option.call('Fullscreen' , '0') == '1' @fullscreen_ratio = get_option.call('FullscreenRatio', '0').to_i @windowed_ratio = get_option.call('WindowedRatio' , '1').to_i toggle_vx_fullscreen if Disable_VX_Fullscreen and vx_fullscreen? fullscreen? ? fullscreen_mode : windowed_mode end def save_fullscreen_settings section = 'Fullscreen++' filename = './Game.ini' set_option = Proc.new do |key, value| WritePrivateProfileString.call(section, key, value.to_s, filename) end set_option.call('Fullscreen' , @fullscreen ? '1' : '0') set_option.call('FullscreenRatio', @fullscreen_ratio) set_option.call('WindowedRatio' , @windowed_ratio) end def fullscreen? @fullscreen or vx_fullscreen? end def vx_fullscreen? rect = screen_rect rect.width == 640 and rect.height == 480 end def toggle_fullscreen fullscreen? ? windowed_mode : fullscreen_mode end def toggle_vx_fullscreen windowed_mode if @fullscreen and !vx_fullscreen? inputs = [1,18,0, 1,13,0, 1,13,2, 1,18,2].pack('LSx2Lx16'*4) SendInput.call(4, inputs, 28) zeus_fullscreen_update self.ratio += 0 # refresh window size end def vx_fullscreen_mode return if vx_fullscreen? toggle_vx_fullscreen end def fullscreen_mode return if vx_fullscreen? initialize_fullscreen_rects show_back hide_borders @fullscreen = true self.ratio += 0 # refresh window size end def windowed_mode toggle_vx_fullscreen if vx_fullscreen? initialize_fullscreen_rects hide_back show_borders @fullscreen = false self.ratio += 0 # refresh window size end def toggle_ratio return if vx_fullscreen? self.ratio += 1 end def ratio return 1 if vx_fullscreen? @fullscreen ? @fullscreen_ratio : @windowed_ratio end def ratio=(r) return if vx_fullscreen? initialize_fullscreen_rects r = 0 if r < 0 if @fullscreen @fullscreen_ratio = r w_max, h_max = @fullscreen_rect.width, @fullscreen_rect.height else @windowed_ratio = r w_max = @workarea_rect.width - @borders_size.width h_max = @workarea_rect.height - @borders_size.height end if r == 0 w, h = w_max, w_max * height / width h, w = h_max, h_max * width / height if h > h_max else w, h = width * r, height * r return self.ratio = 0 if w > w_max or h > h_max end resize_window(w, h) save_fullscreen_settings end def update release_alt if Disable_VX_Fullscreen and Input.trigger?(Input::ALT) zeus_fullscreen_update toggle_fullscreen if Input.trigger?(Input::F5) toggle_ratio if Input.trigger?(Input::F6) end def resize_screen(width, height) zeus_fullscreen_resize_screen(width, height) self.ratio += 0 # refresh window size endendGraphics.load_fullscreen_settings

Mis à jour le 4 juillet 2020.

[RPG-MAKER.FR] Scripts - Fullscreen++ (2024)


How do you force full screen in RPG Maker? ›

But if it's not VX Ace, or they aren't using that script, you can try to press Alt + Enter, and it should make it full screen. Alternatively, you can press F1, and then a little menu thingy should pop up, and you can check 'Start in Full Screen Mode', and then it should always start in full screen.

What is the aspect ratio of RPG Maker fullscreen? ›

The game will be launched in fullscreen with the chosen resolution. When overriding the default resolution (816x624), maintaining a ratio close to 16:9 is preferred in order to eliminate black bars on fullscreen mode because must modern screens use this ratio.

How to full screen pocket mirror? ›

1/ You can switch between full-screen and windowed modes by pressing "F4."

What scripting language does RPG Maker use? ›

RPG Maker XP, VX, and VX Ace: These versions of RPG Maker use Ruby as their scripting language. The particular version of Ruby used is called RGSS (Ruby Game Scripting System), with each version having its own improvements and changes (RGSS for XP, RGSS2 for VX, and RGSS3 for VX Ace).

Can you force a game to full screen? ›

First try pressing "Alt + Enter," then use the in-game menu to enter full-screen.

How do I make GameMaker full screen? ›

To enable fullscreen in GameMaker, you can use the built-in GameMaker Language (GML) function window_set_fullscreen() . This function allows you to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode.

What proportions is fullscreen? ›

Fullscreen (or full screen) refers to the 4:3 (1. 3:1) aspect ratio of early standard television screens and computer monitors. Widescreen ratios started to become more popular in the 1990s and 2000s. Film originally created in the 4:3 aspect ratio does not need to be altered for full-screen release.

What is the default screen size in RPG Maker? ›

The default one is 816x624, but that doesn't mean it's the best resolution for your particular game. Game resolution (or window resolution) doesn't matter as much because it's just resizing your canvas. So even if you full screen your game, the computer will simply adjust your game to fit the screen.

What is the FPS limit for RPG Maker? ›

By default, RPG Maker imposes a limit of 120 FPS on the game. This means that if you tried to go beyond 120, it would simply round it down to 120.

What resolution is RPG Maker XP? ›

The game screen has been expanded to 640x480 pixels, much larger than previous RPG MAKER titles. With support for PNG full-colour mode and alpha channel, you can adjust the settings for graphic translucency as well as specify the transparent colour.

Is AO Oni free? ›

Ao Oni (青鬼, lit. 'Blue Demon') is a freeware horror game developed by "noprops".

Why is mirroring not full screen? ›

Depending on the Android device, it is mostly rendering. Different Android devices have different screen sizes that affect the rendering on the destination screen. Casting a cast-enabled app should occupy the full screen of the destination device (TV, monitor, projector, etc.), in contrast to mirroring.

Is RPG Maker beginner friendly? ›

In conclusion, RPG Maker is designed to be user-friendly and is especially accommodating for newcomers to game development.

Which version of RPG Maker is best? ›

Released in 2020, RPG Maker MZ is the latest version. It builds upon MV's foundation, offering improved mapping tools, event management systems, and enhanced battle systems. Its plugin manager is more robust, making it easier to use custom JavaScript code to extend your game's functionality.

Did Toby Fox use RPG Maker? ›

He had some experience in game development before Undertale, using RPG Maker 2000 with his three brothers to make role-playing games and EarthBound ROM hacks in high school, the most notable of which was Earthbound: The Halloween Hack.

How do I make MGR full screen? ›

So what you do is download and run Fullscreenizer, run the game. Then on Fullscreenizer click "Show All", select your game, click "Add". Now you can click "Fullscreenize", and you're game is now fullscreen. You can also set up the hotkey that would make your game fullscreen.

What to press to make game full screen? ›

Using the Alt + Enter keyboard shortcut is the easiest way to enter full-screen mode in your games. This hotkey is compatible with nearly every game on Windows.

How to fullscreen stick rpg 2? ›

Click on the options button on the top-right of the screen once you've started a new game, or loaded your game. There's a slider thingy for fullscreen mode (as well as a graphics slider).

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