The Maryland Bridge (2024)

Dental bridges lansdowne, va are an affordable and low-risk treatment options for a missing or lost tooth. Dental bridges are a synthetic structure that is placed in your mouth. It usually consists of an artificial tooth or teeth, called a pontic, to fill the gap of the missing teeth, and then artificial crowns on the sides, or metal wings that are attached to existing teeth that are adjacent to the missing tooth. The dental bridge gets its name from the fact that it is a synthetic piece that is made to bridge the gap created from the missing tooth. While there are many different kinds of dental bridges, one commonly used bridge is called a Maryland bridge. The Maryland bridge gets its name from the University of Maryland where it has been argued that it was originally developed.

What the Maryland bridge looks like?

The Maryland bridge is basically a metal frame with a porcelain tooth secured to the front of the frame. The porcelain tooth will sit where the missing tooth is and the metal wing like frame on each side will be attached to the adjacent teeth. The wings are purposely designed to be porous, so a glue-like bonding agent can be used to secure them to the nearby teeth. Some people have issues with the way that the Maryland bridge can look. This is for 2 reasons: 1) your teeth are naturally a little translucent, so the glue and frame attached to the back of your natural teeth can make them look darker than they are. This means that the artificial tooth that is placed in the middle needs to be a little bit darker so that it matches the teeth on the sides of it. Your dentist will need to consider this before ordering your bridge! 2) The false tooth, which is usually made from porcelain, and depending on how it is made, it may not match your teeth very well. It is important that you invest in a good false tooth, what it is made of it will impact how your smile looks.

How it differs from other bridges

What is different about the Maryland bridge is the metal framework and metal wings. There are several other types of dental bridges. The traditional dental bridge, which is one of the other popular types, has artificial crowns on each side of the artificial tooth. Instead of the wings being attached to the adjacent teeth, which is the procedure for the Maryland bridge, the traditional bridge involves the artificial crowns being attached to the nearby teeth. The traditional bridge does involve the adjacent teeth to be filed down so that the crowns can be installed. The Maryland dental bridge does not require this extra preparation of the nearby teeth.

If you have a missing tooth and you are considering a dental bridge, the best first step is to schedule a time to have a discussion with an experienced dentist. They will help you decide if the Maryland bridge is the right fit for you and your needs.

More on Dental Bridges : How Much Does Dental Bridge Cost?

The Maryland Bridge (2024)
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