What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (2024)

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What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (12)

November 14, 2023

8 min read


How Is the DAT Scored?What Is a Good DAT Score?What Score Do You Need to Get Into a Good Dental School?FAQs: What is a Good DAT Score?

What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (13)

Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 11/14/23

A large part of dental school admissions is the DAT exam. To learn more about what a good DAT score is, read on.

It’s difficult to determine how well a student will perform in dental school. Considering the curriculum is highly specialized, and students are expected to participate in extensive practical training, dental school is known to be demanding.

Accordingly, admissions committees essentially gamble on the most qualified and promising candidates, hoping they will thrive in this challenging environment.

While the other aspects of your dental school application, such as your personal statement, give the admissions committee a better understanding of your personality and character, the DAT is the most significant academic indicator. Your DAT score is the main form of assessment used to predict your academic potential.

This guide will explore what makes a good DAT score further and help you determine which score to aim for to get into your dream dental school!

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What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (17)

How Is the DAT Scored?

There will be 280 questions on the DAT. Your raw score is the number of questions you get correct, but this is not the score you’ll see on your report. Instead, you’ll see a scaled score. This score will range between 1-30.

You will receive a scaled score for each section of the DAT, along with a composite score. This will provide you with an average of your overall performance on the exam. The average DAT score is around 17.

The table below shows the conversion from raw scores to standard scores. This indicates the number of questions in each section you need to correctly answer in order to receive the corresponding standard score:

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0-1
2 - - - - - 1 -
3 1 - - 2 2 - 2
4 - - - 3 3 2 3
5 - 1 1 4 4 - -

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
6 2 - - 5-6 5 3 4
7 3 2 2 7-8 6-7 4 5-6
8 4 3 3 9-11 8-9 5 7
9 5-6 4 4 12-15 10-13 6-7 8-9
10 7 5 5 16-20 14-16 8-10 10-11

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
11 8-9 6 6-7 21-25 17-21 11-12 12-13
12 10-11 7-8 8-9 26-31 22-26 13-15 14-16
13 12-14 9-10 10-11 32-39 27-32 16-18 17-19
14 15-17 11-12 12-13 40-46 33-38 19-21 20-21
15 18-19 13-15 14-16 47-54 39-44 22-24 22-24

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
16 20-22 16-17 17-18 55-61 45-51 25-27 25-27
17 23-25 18-19 19-20 62-68 52-57 28-29 28-30
18 26-27 20-21 21-22 69-74 58-63 30-31 31-33
19 28-30 22-23 23-24 75-80 64-68 32-33 34-36

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
20 31-32 24 25 81-84 69-73 34-35 37-38
21 33-34 25 26 85-88 74-77 36 39-40
22 35 26 27 89-91 78-80 37 41-42
23 36 27 - 92-93 81-82 38 43

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
24 37 28 28 94-95 83-84 - 44-45
25 38 - - 96 85-86 - 46
26 - 29 - 97 87 - 47
27 - - 29 98 - 39 -

Standard Score Biology General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Survey of Natural Sciences Perceptual Ability Quantitative Reasoning Reading Comp.
28 39 - - - 88 - 48
29 - - - 99 - - -
30 40 30 30 100 89-90 40 49-50

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What Is a Good DAT Score?

The answer to “What is a good DAT score?” is a little more complicated than just stating a number. A good DAT score depends entirely on the schools you’re applying to.

The higher the ranking of your desired school, the higher your target score should be. However, this is how different score ranges are typically categorized:

Low Scores

Any scores that fall below 16 are considered to be low. With below-average scores, it’s difficult to get accepted into accredited dental schools.

Category Score
Academic Average 17 and under
Survey of the Natural Sciences 16 and under
Biology 16 and under
General Chemistry 16 and under
Organic Chemistry 16 and under
Quantitative Reasoning 14 and under
Reading Comprehension 18 and under
Perceptual Ability 17 and under

Decent Scores

Scores that are slightly above average, between 17-18, are decent scores. While they won’t be considered competitive at the majority of dental schools, they may be accepted at lower-ranking schools.

Category Score
Academic Average 18
Survey of the Natural Sciences 17-18
Biology 17-18
General Chemistry 17-18
Organic Chemistry 17-18
Quantitative Reasoning 15-16
Reading Comprehension 19-20
Perceptual Ability 18-19

Competitive Scores

Scores from 19-20 are considered competitive at the majority of US dental schools. Aiming for a score within this range will ensure you meet the DAT requirements for most schools.

Category Score
Academic Average 19-20
Survey of the Natural Sciences 19-20
Biology 19-20
General Chemistry 19-21
Organic Chemistry 19-21
Quantitative Reasoning 17-18
Reading Comprehension 21-22
Perceptual Ability 20-21

High Scores

Scores in the 21-25 range are considered to be very high. These top scores are considered competitive enough to get into the most selective dental schools in the nation.

Category Score
Academic Average 21 and above
Survey of the Natural Sciences 21 and above
Biology 21 and above
General Chemistry 22 and above
Organic Chemistry 22 and above
Quantitative Reasoning 19 and above
Reading Comprehension 23 and above
Perceptual Ability 23 and above

Other Considerations

It’s important to note your GPA will also influence the DAT score you should aim for. If you have a GPA that is significantly higher than your school’s median, there’s some leeway with how high your DAT score has to be.

On the other hand, if you have a low GPA, you’ll have to compensate for it with an even higher-than-expected DAT score to prove your academic potential.

DAT Pass Rates of Top 20 Dental Schools in the USA

To help you prepare well to apply to your desired school, here are the average scores of some of the top dental schools in the US.

Should You Retake the DAT?

If you receive a less-than-satisfactory score on the DAT, you may want to retake the test. However, it’s not always easy to know if retaking the DAT is really a good idea.

When You Should Consider Retaking the DAT

If you are unhappy with your DAT score and are confident that you can score higher on another attempt, then you should consider retaking the DAT. You may also want to retake the DAT if the rest of your application is lacking in some way.

You should, however, make sure that you have enough time for another test, as you are required to wait 60 days between testing attempts, which may conflict with your dental school application deadlines.

When You Should Not Retake the DAT

If you have a satisfactory score and aren’t sure if you would be able to do better, then you are not advised to retake the DAT. A lower score than your past attempt will not look good on dental school applications.

What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (18)

FAQs: Good DAT Scores

In this guide, we’ve answered the question, “what is a good score on the DAT?” and what to consider when determining your target score. For any remaining questions about this entrance exam, read on to find your answers.

1. Is a 25 on the DAT Good?

Yes, a 25 on the DAT is an extremely high score to achieve! This score surpasses the DAT medians of all US dental schools.

2. Is a 21 a Good Score on the DAT?

Yes, this score will likely put you in the competitive range to get into high-ranking dental schools.

3. Is a 19 a Good DAT Score?

A 19 is the median or minimum DAT score for the majority of dental schools. As such, this score can get you into most mid to high-ranking dental schools.

4. How Good Is a 20 on the DAT?

A 20 puts you well above the average DAT score, meaning it is a great score to receive. Some of the highest-ranking dental schools, such as Harvard, prefer DAT scores of 20 and higher.

5. How Can I Improve My DAT Score?

Practice and patience are essential to improve your DAT score. Ensure you don’t rush the process and give yourself enough time to learn the most effective strategies to master each section of the exam.

Some other tips to improve your score include:

  • Try different test prep materials: If you’re struggling to improve your score, you may want to consider trying new resources that can offer you other test-taking strategies.
  • Review your practice tests: Completing practice tests is important, but reviewing your wrong answers and redoing them will ensure you avoid making the same mistakes.
  • Prioritize your weaknesses: Do not dedicate an equal amount of time practicing each section of the DAT; your stronger sections should be given less attention than the weaker ones.
  • Use timed and untimed practice tests: Don’t jump the gun by beginning your prep with timed practice exams; focus on your strategy and then hone your time management with untimed tests.

If self-study isn’t getting you to your target score, you may want to call in the big guns, like Inspira’s 99th percentile tutors, who can provide you with personalized DAT support to maximize your score.

6. How Long Should I Study for the DAT?

Create a DAT study schedule based on your other commitments and how many resources you plan on using. If you’re able to dedicate full-time hours to your studies, around three to four months is typically enough time to prepare for the exam.

On the other hand, if you have other time-consuming responsibilities, you may need to dedicate five to six months to your DAT prep. Don’t be afraid to also change your timeline as you progress in your studies. This is why it’s essential to begin your studies early, so you have time to adjust your plan and retake the exam if necessary!

7. What Is the Hardest Part of the DAT?

Students typically struggle with the perceptual ability test the most because it requires them to be able to visualize and interpret two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects, a skill most students have never had to develop.

Students also find the reading comprehension section to be challenging because analysis and reading skills aren’t easily improved. Students typically see the least improvement in this section.

Final Thoughts

Figuring out the DAT score to aim for to get into your dream dental school shouldn’t create more stress in this already nerve-wracking application step. Using the score ranges shared in this guide, you can determine your target score more easily and begin the hard part—studying!

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What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (30)

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What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (45)

What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (46)What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (48)What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (49)

What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide (2024)


What Is a Good DAT Score? Your Guide? ›

Whether an applicant gets an interview invitation is subject to the holistic admissions process. But if you're wondering what makes a good DAT score, you should aim for the 70-80th percentiles, meaning 20-21.

What is considered a good DAT score? ›

Some programs consider a score of 18 or higher to be competitive while others prefer applicants with a score of 20 or higher. To be most competitive for dental school admission, we advise students to aim for a score of 20 or higher in each section of the DAT.

Is a 27 good on the DAT? ›

The average DAT score for any section is approximately 19/30; the average AA for admissions is usually 18-21 depending on the dental school; the AA for admissions to Harvard is around 23-24; the 100th percentile is usually 25 meaning that virtually 100% of the approximately 13 000 students who take the DAT every year ...

Is a 23 a good DAT score? ›

The average score for acceptance is around 20 AA.

Scores of 23+ AA are rare and exceptionally competitive. Some schools do have higher average DAT scores, so if you want to go to a specific school, I recommend getting a copy of the ADEA Guide to Dental Schools to find their average DAT scores and set that as your goal.

How hard is it to get a 22 on the DAT? ›

Quantitative Reasoning

You'll get a score for each of these sections on a scale from 1 to 30. A scale score of 18 usually means average performance on a national basis. Scores of 22+ usually mean top 90th percentile performance and are very competitive.

Has anyone ever gotten a 30 on the DAT? ›

Part 2: What is a perfect DAT score? Ah, the elusive perfect DAT score. In short, a perfect overall score on the DAT is 30, but to the best of our knowledge, no one has ever achieved a perfect score.

Is DAT harder than mcat? ›

To wrap up, when choosing between the DAT vs. MCAT, remember that the MCAT is usually more challenging due to its broader content. Base your choice on your career goals: DAT for dentists and MCAT for various medical fields.

How hard is it to get a 20 on the DAT? ›

The average scaled score for most sections on the DAT is 17, which is the 50th percentile. This means that if you score a 17, you are scoring better than 50% of all test-takers. Scoring becomes much more competitive in the 75th percentile, where a score of 19 or 20 puts you ahead of three-quarters of DAT test takers.

Is GPA or DAT more important? ›

Improve your DAT score

One of the best ways to compensate for a low GPA is by getting a high score on the Dental Admissions Test (DAT). Although GPA is a crucial factor when it comes to dental admissions, the DAT is a way for applicants to show that they possess the necessary knowledge and skills.

Is a 3.2 GPA bad for dental school? ›

What is a Competitive GPA for Dental School? According to data available on their websites, the average overall GPA of accepted students at different dental schools ranges from 3.25 to 3.85 and the average science GPA of accepted students ranges from 3.17 to 3.81.

What is the DAT score for Harvard? ›

What is the cutoff for DAT scores and GPA's? HSDM reviews completed applications holistically and makes admissions decisions based on a comprehensive review. HSDM does not have a minimum GPA or DAT score. However, a GPA of at least a 3.6 overall and a DAT cademic Average of at least 20 is preferred.

Should I retake the DAT if I got a 19? ›

If your first score was a 19 or higher, you should be able to get into most of the decent dental schools in the country. If you are striving for a higher score so you can get into a more prestigious institution, taking the DAT another time or two could help you achieve this goal.

What is the hardest section on the DAT? ›

Biology (40 questions)

The biology section is probably the toughest to prepare for because of the breadth of the material. You have many options to study for this section with Bootcamp. Read this post to learn how to use Bootcamp's resources to study for DAT biology.

What is the average DAT score for Harvard? ›

As of the latest available data, the average DAT score for Harvard School of Dental Medicine is 23.5. However, it's important to note that averages can fluctuate slightly from year to year based on the applicant pool.

Is a 19 good on the DAT? ›

Scores from 19-20 are considered competitive at the majority of US dental schools. Aiming for a score within this range will ensure you meet the DAT requirements for most schools.

What percentile is 17 on DAT? ›

The average test taker will score a 17 (50th percentile). The average for acceptance is a 19-20AA (~85th percentile). This is just an average though, a quick look at the ADEA Guide to Dental Schools shows that students get accepted with lower scores as well!

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