What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (2024)

What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (1)

Lisfranc injuries are common in sports such as AFL, NRL and soccer.

Because of this, they are often spoken about in the media.

It is referred to as a ‘dreaded’ injury as it takes a while to recover.

Today, we’re going to tell you exactly what a Lisfranc injury injury is and how we can treat it.

What is a Lisfranc injury?

A Lisfranc injury occurs when there is a dislocation or fracture between the 1st and 2nd toes and the midfoot.

It can result in tearing of the ligaments that connect the bones, which can also affect the cartilage between bones.

Lisfranc injuries are also referred to as midfoot sprains and tarsometatarsal (TMT) injuries.

There are 3 stages of Lisfranc injuries:

  • STAGE 1: Classed as a sprain of the Lisfranc ligament with no separation between the 1st and 2nd digits.
  • STAGE 2: Classed by a rupture of the Lisfranc ligament, as well as some separation between the 1st and 2nd digits.
  • STAGE 3: Classed by a rupture of the Lisfranc ligament and separation between the 1st and 2nd digits of more than 5mm.

What does a Lisfranc injury feel like?

Symptoms of a Lisfranc injury include swelling, bruising, and pain through the top of the foot at the forefoot.

The pain often worsens when weight bearing and can be quite severe.

Pain is generally at its worst during the propulsion/toe off phase of the gait – when the joint in question is under the most amount of pressure.

The pain can continue to worsen if not treated properly.

What can cause a Lisfranc injury?

A Lisfranc injury can occur with a simple injury involving twisting of the feet and falling or through impact when the toes are flexed.

It can also be caused by a direct force placed on the area, such as in a crush injury.

Who does it affect?What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (2)

Lisfranc injuries are most common in athletes and rarely affect the general population.

How are Lisfranc injuries diagnosed?

Proper diagnosis of a Lisfranc injury is crucial in order to avoid a delay in treatment.

If you have been experiencing pain for more than 5 consecutive days in the area, it is important to consult a podiatrist as soon as possible.

If pain is present on the palpation of the site, as well as with simple range of motion tests, we may suspect a Lisfranc injury.

We will send you for an X-ray or MRI to confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent of the injury.

How is a Lisfranc injury treated?

Immediate and proper treatment is crucial to assist with the healing of a Lisfranc injury.

How the injury is treated is dependent on the severity of the injury, and can include:

  • The use of a CAM boot/Moon boot – This will help to completely offload the area and allow the structures to heal, whilst also keeping you mobile.
  • A strengthening program – This will involve simple exercises to help increase the strength of the muscles within the feet. It will also target muscles in the lower leg, such as the calves.
  • Orthotics therapyOrthotics can assist with redistributing pressure through the feet and allowing the feet to function efficiently in proper alignment.
  • Padding and strapping – Offloading the injured site with the help of padding and strapping can assist with pain relief.

Is surgery a treatment option for a Lisfranc injury?

What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (3)In some cases, a referral for surgery is necessary if the injury to the Lisfranc joint is severe.

It is often indicated when there is significant damage to both the Lisfranc ligament and the adjoining bones, including the medial cuneiform and 2nd metatarsal.

The goal of surgery is to realign the joint and restore its function to as close to its pre-injury state as possible.

Surgery is typically only required when there is instability within the Lisfranc joint, meaning that some Lisfranc injuries can heal with conservative treatments rather than surgery.

How is the Lisfranc joint surgically repaired?

There are 2 surgical options to treat a Lisfranc injury:

Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)

What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (4)This involves the use of wires, plates and screws to realign and restore the structural integrity of the joint.

It requires an incision on the top of the foot between the 1st and 2nd metatarsals to access the Lisfranc joint easily.

Depending on the severity of the injury, a second incision may be required closer to the 3rd or 4th metatarsals. The number of screws and plates that are used will depend on the extent of the injury. There is typically a screw known as the “home run screw”, which runs between the medial cuneiform bone and the 2nd metatarsal which mimics the orientation of the Lisfranc ligament.


This involves the medial cuneiform and the 2nd metatarsal being fused together.

This type of surgery is used when the joints cannot be repaired under ORIF and it causes them to heal as a single structure.

How quickly will I have surgery to repair the Lisfranc joint?

Surgery is typically performed 1-2 weeks post injury. This allows for the reduction of swelling and inflammation to essentially make the surgery easier to perform. Therefore, it is important that if you suspect you have sustained a Lisfranc injury that you immediately follow the RICE principle of rest, ice, elevation and compression. Spending as little time on your feet and reducing the amount of pressure on the area to protect it from further injury can also help the surgery to run as smoothly as possible.

Risks of Lisfranc surgery

As with any surgery, there are risks associated. These can be discussed with your surgeon prior to surgery. These risks can include:

  • Reaction to anaesthesia,
  • Infections
  • Damage to surrounding nerves and blood vessels
  • Hardware failure
  • The development of osteoarthritis in the joint, particular in fusion surgeries.

Will the screws and plates be removed?

In the case of an open reduction and internal fixation procedure (ORIF), the hardware is typically removed 3-6 months after surgery. It is not usually removed when there has been a fusion, unless it is causing pain or discomfort.

What does rehabilitation after Lisfranc surgery involve?

Rehabilitation after a Lisfranc surgery takes longer to heal on average when compared to other structures. This is due to its location and the amount of force it must withstand, even in day to day activities.

Some studies suggest that recovery post surgery can be anywhere between 3-5 months, potentially longer if it was a particularly severe injury.

After surgery, you will be placed in a cast or moon boot for at least 6-8 weeks with minimal weight bearing allowed. For some other surgeries, weight bearing can begin much earlier, with the research suggesting that there needs to be more studies conducted to assess if this is an option for those following Lisfranc surgery.

Once you come out of the moon boot, it is best to wear rigid shoes that provide support to the Lisfranc joint and reduce the amount of pressure that is placed on the joint. In most cases, the use of orthotics is essential to allow the joint to heal and function properly.

A strengthening program is typically begun even whilst in the moon, involving simple range of motion exercises when seated, slowly progressing to weight bearing exercises. The program will also take into account your activities or sports and eventually involve specific exercises for these.

If you’re experiencing pain similar to what we’ve discussed today, or any pain or discomfort in your feet and/or lower limbs, come see us at Watsonia Podiatry. You can book an appointment with us by calling us on (03) 9432 2689or online here.

What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (5)

Aaron Dri

Aaron Dri, a podiatrist since 2008, loves helping clients and learning from them. Enjoys Sundays in pyjamas, sushi, and cycling. Admires Mandela, Vaynerchuk, Buffett, and values matching actions to goals.

What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry (2024)


What is a Lisfranc Injury & What Can You Do? | Watsonia Podiatry? ›

A Lisfranc injury occurs when there is a dislocation or fracture between the 1st and 2nd toes and the midfoot. It can result in tearing of the ligaments that connect the bones, which can also affect the cartilage between bones.

What is a Lisfranc injury? ›

Lisfranc injuries, while not highly common, occur when any of the bones or ligaments in the Lisfranc joint break or tear. A Lisfranc or midfoot injury typically results from a sudden trauma. It can take months to heal fully. Lisfranc injury treatment depends on the type and severity of the damage.

How do you treat Lisfranc at home? ›

Keep your foot raised to lessen the amount of swelling to the injured bone. Wear shoes that have ample support and which keep your feet at a reduced center of gravity. Physical therapy will be indispensable to averting injuries and safeguarding the Lisfranc joint from significant injury.

What is the best foot support for Lisfranc? ›

Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries

A standard treatment regime is wearing a cast or Moon boot for a period and being non-weight bearing, then transitioning to a CAM walker with a custom arch support whilst weight bearing and then transitioning to normal shoes with custom arch support.

How long does it take to fully recover from a Lisfranc injury? ›

How is a Lisfranc injury treated? Your treatment will depend on your specific injury, and whether or not you have any broken bones. You might need surgery. Most people wear a cast or boot for six to 12 weeks, and it can take a year or more to return to intense exercise like running or playing sports.

Can you walk with a Lisfranc injury? ›

It's common for a Lisfranc injury to be mistaken for a minor sprain of the foot, especially since the injury can occur from a simple stumble and fall. However, this injury can not be walked off; it is a severe injury that can take months to heal and may require surgery.

Can a Lisfranc injury heal on its own? ›

A Lisfranc injury is often mistaken for a simple sprain, especially if the injury is a result of a straightforward twist and fall. However, injury to the Lisfranc joint is not a simple sprain that should be simply "walked off." It is a severe injury that may take many months to heal and may require surgery to treat.

Is plantar fasciitis the same as Lisfranc? ›

While plantar fasciitis is considered a heel injury, a Lisfranc injury occurs in the mid-foot region, where the metatarsal bones (long bones that lead up to the toes) and the tarsal bones (bones in the arch) connect. The Lisfranc ligament is a tough band of tissue that joins two of these bones.

What happens if a Lisfranc injury goes untreated? ›

Injuries to the Lisfranc joint can cause severe damage to the cartilage in the midfoot if left untreated. This damage prevents the joint from working properly. Without the cartilage, and with the added stress of poorly healed injuries, the foot will continue to sustain further damage with each step.

Can I walk barefoot after Lisfranc surgery? ›

No weightbearing is allowed for 6-8 weeks after surgery. A walking cast or boot is then used for another 4-6 weeks. If pins were used to hold the fourth and fifth metatarsals in place, they are removed 6-8 weeks after surgery. Patients usually are able to wean out of the boot and into an athletic shoe in 10-12 weeks.

What is the long term prognosis for a Lisfranc injury? ›

LisFranc injuries can have long-lasting effects on your foot. Some people can return to their normal activities, but others may have ongoing pain, stiffness, and weakness. This can happen even with successful surgery and healing. Your foot may not be as strong as before the injury.

Is a Lisfranc injury a disability? ›

A Lisfranc joint fracture may lead to chronic disability.

What is the difference between a midfoot sprain and a Lisfranc injury? ›

It is someZmes referred to as a midfoot sprain and it is often has a lengthy recovery Zme -especially compared to the average ankle sprain. A Lisfranc injury can involve any combinaZon of fracture, joint dislocaZon, and/or injury to the stabilizing joint ligaments.

How to speed up Lisfranc recovery? ›

Exercise Program After a Lisfranc Fracture and Dislocation
  1. Ankle and Foot Range of Motion Exercises. Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion after a Lisfranc fracture. ...
  2. Toe and Mid Foot Arch Flexibility Stretch. Gently rest your toes up a wall to stretch the plantar fascia and arch of your foot. ...
  3. Calf Stretches. ...
  4. Balance Exercises.
Mar 18, 2024

What is the most common cause of Lisfranc injury? ›

Lisfranc joint injuries occur from trauma to the foot. This may happen with a simple twist and fall on top of a foot that is pointing downward. It is common in football and soccer players. Lisfranc injuries can also happen from direct trauma, like a fall or a motor vehicle accident.

Why is it called Lisfranc? ›

Midfoot fracture dislocations are named after French surgeon Jacques Lisfranc de St. Martin, who served in the Napoleanic army in the 1800s and observed midfoot injuries in cavalry soldiers.

What is the long-term prognosis for a Lisfranc injury? ›

Left untreated or treated improperly, they can lead to chronic foot pain, altered gait, osteoarthritis, and long-term disability. For elite athletes, Lisfranc injuries can be career-threatening. UT Southwestern's Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine service treats multiple Lisfranc injuries per month.

Is a Lisfranc injury rare? ›

Relatively uncommon, found in only 1 of every 55,000-60,000 people annually, Lisfranc injuries occur in the midfoot where the long bones leading up to the toes (metatarsals) connect to the bones in the arch (tarsals). "The Lisfranc complex is a critical joint in propulsion during walking and running.

How do you tell if you have Lisfranc? ›

A Lisfranc joint injury might cause symptoms like the following:
  1. Pain in your midfoot, especially sore to the touch.
  2. Swelling or deformity in the middle region of your foot.
  3. Inability to put weight on your foot.
  4. Bruising in the middle of your foot.

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