5 Ways To Be More LGBTQIA+ Inclusive In Your Workplace! (2024)

In any workplace, it's important to be as inclusive as possible. This means being mindful of the different ways people identify themselves and making sure everyone feels comfortable and respected. For LGBTQIA+ employees, this can mean feeling seen and acknowledged in a workplace that may not always be welcoming or supportive. Here are five ways you can make your workplace more LGBTQIA+ inclusive.

Allow Staff To Come Out When and If They Feel Ready To

LGBTQIA+ people are everywhere, and they're just like everyone else. They come from all walks of life, and they have a wide range of talents and skills. So it makes perfect sense that you would want them working for your company.

But there's one big problem: many LGBTQIA+ people don't feel safe coming out at work. In fact, according to a study by the Human Rights Campaign, only 26 percent of LGBTQIA+ employees feel comfortable being open about their sexual orientation or gender identity at work. That means 74 percent of LGBTQIA+ employees are hiding who they are!

Why is this such a big deal? Because when people can't be themselves at work, it takes a toll on their mental and physical health. According to the same study, 60 percent of LGBTQIA+ employees who are closeted at work report high levels of anxiety, and 54 percent say they're depressed.

Take An Interest In Their Partner

Once someone has come out as LGBTQIA+, you can still ask the same questions about their partner. It's important to remember that not everyone is open about their sexuality, so it's okay to ask private questions about someone's partner. Just be sure to respect their privacy if they choose not to answer.

Educate, Educate, Educate

Just because someone is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community does not make it their job to educate you on all things queer.

There are many things to keep in mind when trying to be more LGBTQIA+ inclusive in your workplace. One of the most important is to stay educated about things within the community. It's important to be aware of current issues and challenges that LGBTQIA+ individuals face, as well as their history and experiences. This will help you create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

Here are five ways you can do that:

1) Learn about the history of the LGBTQIA+ community.

2) Follow LGBTQIA+ news outlets and blogs.

3) Attend workshops and events about LGBTQIA+ issues.

4) Advocate for inclusive policies in your workplace.

5) Listen to and learn from the experiences of LGBTQIA+ employees in your company.

At Least Try To Make An Effort With Others Pronouns

It is incredibly important to people that you use their correct pronouns. Misgendering someone can be incredibly harmful and can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, and alone. When you use someone's correct pronouns, you are telling them that you recognize them for who they are and that you respect them. Pronouns are an important part of someone's identity, and it is crucial to get them right.

When it comes to asking someone their preferred pronouns, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier for everyone involved. First, try to be aware of what your own pronouns are. This will help you avoid making assumptions about someone else's pronouns. Second, always use the person's preferred name and pronouns whenever possible. Third, be respectful and understanding if the person takes a little longer to answer or has difficulty explaining their pronoun preference. Finally, thank the person for being open and inclusive!

Stand Up For People In Your Workplace

It's important to stand up for those members of the LGBTQIA+ community within your workplace when they are discriminated against. Discrimination can take many forms, such as verbal abuse, physical violence, or exclusion from company events. By speaking out against discrimination, you can help create a more inclusive workplace for everyone.

The bottom line is that businesses should be striving to make all employees feel safe, welcome and included in the workplace. This not only makes good business sense, but it’s also the right thing to do. Discrimination against members of the LGBTQIA+ community is wrong, and we need to stand up against it together. Have you ever experienced discrimination or felt unwelcome in your workplace because of your sexuality or gender identity?

5 Ways To Be More LGBTQIA+ Inclusive In Your Workplace! (2024)


5 Ways To Be More LGBTQIA+ Inclusive In Your Workplace!? ›

Sponsor pride events or advertise your organization with LGBTQ+ community events. Review your job postings to ensure gender-neutral language. Remove references to only male/female gender options in hiring materials.

How can I make my workplace more inclusive LGBT? ›

10 ways to create an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace
  1. Create a strong, inclusive policy.
  2. Use inclusive language.
  3. Create support programs for LGBTQ+ employees.
  4. Offer LGBTQ+ inclusive benefits.
  5. Create an LGBTQ+ network.
  6. Communicate and engage with employees.
  7. Provide LGBTQ+ Inclusion Training.
  8. Include inclusive hiring practices.
Jun 7, 2023

What are 3 methods to increase LGBTQ inclusivity into your practice? ›

Visual cues that your practice is a safe place
  • Display brochures and educational materials about LGBTQ health concerns.
  • Visibly post a nondiscrimination statement (PDF).
  • Display posters from nonprofit LGBTQ or HIV/AIDS organizations.

How can I promote LGBTQ in the workplace? ›

Sponsor pride events or advertise your organization with LGBTQ+ community events. Review your job postings to ensure gender-neutral language. Remove references to only male/female gender options in hiring materials.

What are the best practices for creating inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ employees? ›

Reduce gender segregation whenever possible, including bathrooms, locker rooms, dress codes, employee sports teams, etc. Offer single use “all gender” facilities. Consider showing your support of LGBTQ equality as an agency by marching in the local Pride parade or creating an LGBTQ exhibit during Pride month (June).

How can I be more inclusive at work? ›

7 ways to be more inclusive at work
  1. Be yourself – be your professional authentic self. Be brave enough to show up at your workplace. ...
  2. Speak up about inclusion. ...
  3. Think about how you communicate. ...
  4. Respond from a place of personal experience. ...
  5. Pronouns. ...
  6. Challenge stereotypes. ...
  7. Support your co-workers' differences.

How can you encourage a more inclusive workplace? ›

Keep reading for five tips for leaders on how to build a more inclusive workplace culture.
  1. Learn to speak inclusively. ...
  2. Focus on everyday micro-experiences. ...
  3. Teach leaders how to model inclusion. ...
  4. Build a culture of inclusion through recognition. ...
  5. Create feelings of belonging so employees want to stay.

What are the four ways to create an inclusive culture? ›

Four steps to form inclusive cultures, where all employees are heard, can succeed and are actively engaged with leadership are:
  • Listen. ...
  • Provide action. ...
  • Value all input. ...
  • Form two-way communication between leaders and all employees.
Jun 6, 2019

Why is Lgbtq inclusion important in the workplace? ›

LGBTQ+ inclusion is important in the workplace because: It enhances employee well-being & job satisfaction. It can help businesses attract the top-talent. It allows companies to meet their legal and ethical responsibilities.

What is Lgbtq inclusion in the workplace course? ›

The duration of this course is seven weeks. We refer to our online courses as 'flexible learning' because they're designed to be completed around your work and home life commitments. All deadlines for your course will be shown in your online course platform once you are enrolled to help keep you on track.

How do I make my business LGBTQ friendly? ›

Add attributes to your Business Profile to show your business is “LGBTQ friendly”.
  1. Show customers that your business is a safe space. ...
  2. Help celebrate and foster spaces of belonging. ...
  3. Show that your business has gender-neutral restrooms that all customers are welcome to use.

How do you drive gender equality in the workplace? ›

Five ways to promote gender equality in the workplace
  1. Get rid of the gender pay gap. Ensuring fair pay is crucial for promoting gender equality in the workplace. ...
  2. Focus on outcomes. ...
  3. Create a supportive atmosphere. ...
  4. Look at your hiring process. ...
  5. Prioritise flexible working hours.

How do you create a welcoming environment for LGBTQ people? ›

Reassure the patient of your confidence. Don't out someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. “When addressing patients, avoid using gender terms like “sir” or “ma'am.” Don't assume people have an opposite-sex partner or spouse. Avoid using terms like “boyfriend,” “girlfriend,” “husband,” and “wife.”

How do you make an organization more inclusive? ›

Proceed with the understanding that communication and involvement matter most when promoting diversity.
  1. Start from the top. ...
  2. Focus on inclusive recruitment strategies. ...
  3. Provide safe spaces for employees. ...
  4. Connect with employees (but be sensitive). ...
  5. Give employees multiple ways to provide feedback.

How do you promote gender inclusive? ›

This includes providing equal opportunities, implementing diversity and inclusion policies, fostering flexible work arrangements, understanding, and addressing unconscious biases, and measuring and monitoring progress towards gender equality.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.