Best Random.dice Decks (2024)

In the world of mobile gaming, the thrill of strategy and chance often collide, creating an exhilarating experience for players. One such game that captures this essence is Random Dice, a strategic tower defense game that revolves around the roll of the dice. With countless deck combinations to explore, players often find themselves in search of the ultimate winning strategy. In this guide, we delve into the realm of Random Dice decks, uncovering the best combinations to dominate the battlefield.

Understanding the Basics: What is Random Dice?

Random Dice is a unique blend of tower defense and dice mechanics, where players deploy various dice with different abilities to fend off waves of enemies. The core concept revolves around merging identical dice to upgrade them, enhancing their effectiveness in combat. As players progress, they unlock new dice and strategize to create synergistic decks that maximize their chances of victory.

The Quest for Perfection: Crafting the Best Decks

Creating a formidable Random Dice deck requires careful consideration of each dice's abilities and how they complement each other. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, certain deck archetypes have proven to be highly effective in various situations.

1. Combo Madness: The Combo Deck

The Combo Deck revolves around utilizing dice with abilities that trigger powerful synergies when combined. Dice like Combo, Growth, and Joker are staples in this deck, as they amplify the effects of merging dice, leading to exponential damage output. Pairing high-damage dice like Assassin or Typhoon with support dice such as Ice or Sacrifice can create devastating combos that overwhelm opponents.

2. Control Freak: The Control Deck

For players who prefer a more strategic approach, the Control Deck focuses on manipulating enemy movements and dice rolls to gain the upper hand. Dice like Blizzard, Lock, and Slow are essential for slowing down enemy progression and disrupting their strategies. Combined with damage-dealing dice like Atomic or Mimic, this deck excels at crowd control and buying time to build a formidable defense.

3. Elemental Mastery: The Elemental Deck

Elemental dice offer unique effects based on their elemental affinity, making them versatile additions to any deck. The Elemental Deck capitalizes on this diversity by combining dice of different elements to exploit enemy weaknesses. Pairing Fire, Electric, and Blizzard dice can create a devastating synergy that deals massive damage while freezing and stunning enemies in their tracks.

4. Hybrid Havoc: The Hybrid Deck

For those who crave versatility, the Hybrid Deck offers a balanced blend of offense and defense, capable of adapting to various situations. This deck incorporates a mix of damage-dealing, support, and utility dice to maintain control of the battlefield. By strategically merging and upgrading dice like Solar, Gear, and Sacrifice, players can unleash a relentless onslaught while maintaining a solid defense against enemy attacks.

Mastering the Art: Tips for Success

  • Experimentation is Key: Don't be afraid to try out different deck combinations and strategies to find what works best for your playstyle.
  • Adapt to the Situation: Pay attention to enemy waves and adjust your strategy accordingly. Flexibility is crucial for success in Random Dice.
  • Upgrade Wisely: Prioritize upgrading key dice in your deck to maximize their effectiveness in combat. Focus on synergies and strategic enhancements.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest updates and patch notes to stay ahead of the competition. Understanding balance changes and new dice additions can give you a strategic edge.


In the ever-evolving landscape of Random Dice, mastering the art of deck building is essential for claiming victory. Whether you prefer explosive combos, strategic control, elemental mastery, or versatile hybrids, there's a deck archetype waiting to be explored. By understanding the strengths and synergies of each dice, you can unleash the full potential of your deck and rise to the top of the leaderboard.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the best dice for beginners?

  • For beginners, versatile dice like Growth, Combo, and Mimic are highly recommended. They offer simple yet effective mechanics that are easy to grasp and can form the foundation of a strong deck.

2. How can I acquire new dice in Random Dice?

  • New dice can be acquired through gameplay rewards, in-game purchases, or by participating in special events and promotions. Keep playing and exploring to unlock new dice and expand your collection.

3. Are there any dice combinations to avoid?

  • While experimentation is encouraged, some combinations may not synergize well or may lack effectiveness in combat. It's essential to test different combinations and adapt based on your gameplay experience.

4. Can I compete in Random Dice without spending money?

  • Absolutely! Random Dice offers a fair playing field for both free-to-play and paying players. With strategic deck building and skillful gameplay, anyone can climb the ranks and achieve success without spending money.

5. How often does the meta change in Random Dice?

  • The meta in Random Dice can shift with each update or balance patch, introducing new dice and mechanics that influence gameplay strategies. It's important to stay informed and adapt to these changes to remain competitive in the game.
Best Random.dice Decks (2024)


What is the best deck in random dice? ›

Combo Scope is one of the best late game deck in the game. It can scale infinitely by merging comboes together. With Scope Dice as filler, your Combo can kill mobs easily due to the aoe crit Scope provides. Make sure you have at least a high pip Scope buffing several pip of Combo to insta waves.

What is the recharge dice in random dice? ›

Recharge Dice is a Dice that recharges when you click the level up button, each level up means the damage will increase by (10*level) each level up. The maximum recharge is infinite. It can be obtained by legendary chest, king legacy chest, card chest, and diamond chest.

How do you get the yin yang dice in random dice? ›

you can obtain then the yin yang dice by opening: legendary chest, king's legacy chest, card chest.

When were random dice made? ›

Description. Random Dice : PvP Defense is a Strategy game, developed by 111% and published by Crater Co., Ltd., which was released in 2019.

What is the best number to roll in dice? ›

Since there is one of each number from 1 to 6, all are equally probable to come up. If, however, your are rolling two (2) dice, the easiest number to roll is a 7.

Are dice perfectly random? ›

In sum, it's very hard to identify some reliable patterns with the throw of dice but saying that results are completely random is not correct either.

How do you manipulate dice? ›

One method of altering a roll is very simple. As the dice stop rolling, quickly knock or flip over any dice that comes up with a 1. You can wait till others look away, or simply move your hand over rolled dice while your other hand continues to manipulate the remaining dice.

What does dice ore do in random dice? ›

Dice Ores are items you can use to upgrade your Dice. If you don't have enough Dice to upgrade its Class, you can use Dice Ores instead. Please note that your Dice Ores must have the same rarity as the Dice you want to upgrade. * 100 Dice Ore Pieces can be exchanged for a Dice Ore.

Can you cheat rolling dice? ›

Controlled throws. One other way to cheat doesn't require an unfair die at all but involves learning how to throw in a very controlled way. This can involve effectively sliding or dropping the die so the desired number appears. If two dice are used, one can be used to trap the other and stop it bouncing.

How do you get Legendaries in random dice? ›

How to acquire Legendary Essence
  1. Play 1vs1 Battle Mode (Except friendly match) > Equivalent to Seasonal Point.
  2. Open Glorious Chest > 100 Legendary Essence.
  3. Claim free Season Pass rewards > 100 Legendary Essence.
  4. Complete any Daily Quest > 100 Legendary Essence.
  5. Complete all Daily Quests > 200 Legendary Essence.

How do you class up in random dice? ›

Every time you win a PvP match, you get Trophy points, which determine your Class. More rewards are opened with a higher Class, but you will also be matched against stronger opponents.

What is the rarest dice in the world? ›

The most expensive die ever sold was a single d20 said to have been made in the 2nd century. It is a deep blue-green d20 with a distinct symbol carved into each of its faces.

What is the rarest dice number? ›

(Uspensky 1937, pp. 23-24). , and the least common rolls are 2 and 12, both with probability 1/36.

What is the best card in idle dice? ›

  • Start with the 2's, so that you can gain cards much quicker.
  • Go for 5's, Q's, and 3's next, to maximize point gain. ...
  • If you want to test your luck, go for kings next. ...
  • If you want to leave the game for long periods of time, J's are a helpful card to choose.

What are the best cards to get in idle dice? ›

  • Start with the 2's, so that you can gain cards much quicker.
  • Go for 5's, Q's, and 3's next, to maximize point gain. ...
  • If you want to test your luck, go for kings next. ...
  • If you want to leave the game for long periods of time, J's are a helpful card to choose.

What are the best dice for Farkle? ›

The best dice for playing Farkle are undoubtedly a full set of 6 Lucky Playing Dice.

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