Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (2024)

Season 8 Rankings: #10-1

By SBS — May 24, 2024

Welcome to the North American RCS Season 8 Top 50! Each year we look back on the previous competitive season and the players who influenced our scene by creating a Top 50 Players list. The rankings are created by a community panel that considers data from across the season to construct a comprehensive list that highlights our top players and their accomplishments.

View more articles in the Season Eight NA Rankings Series:
    • #50-41
    • #40-31
    • #30-21
    • #20-11
    • #10-1 (You Are Here)

10. Sparx21

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (1)

Kicking off the prestigious final day is a familiar face, making his first Top 10 appearance since Season 4. It isn’t often that the Top 10 is so neatly separated from the rest of the pack, but from this point on we have an entirely different caliber of player. Sparx21 attended seven events with three Top 4 finishes and never placing below 9th at even our most challenging events.

Standing out among his events was a seemingly impossible TAPS 6 run where an early loss to OoDa would allow Sparx21 to win seven straight sets over the likes of Danzello, Giga, ZeeBee, CheesyPotato, and Penguin before eventually falling to CakeAssault to finish 2nd. Sparx21 looks forward to continue piloting his mech in Rivals 1 while dabbling with Loxodont until his true main’s eventual return in Rivals 2.

9. elkiies

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (2)“The world is your toilet. Lock in peep game. New Shadow Style: Dsmash in neutral.”

Next up we have a name that has been slowly climbing the rankings throughout the years, finally breaking into the Top 10. Elkiies has been on the grind since Season 1, winning an Online RCS event in 2018 and taking huge sets over her competitive career. Season 8 was a different story though, with elkiies becoming a household name and making Top 8 finishes something to expect from her by the season’s end.

On top of her fantastic season, elkiies won the Grassroots League Invitational in April without dropping a single set, even in the Round Robin pre-bracket. Elkiies wants to push herself in Rivals 1 to claim a Top 5 spot but also hopes to become a strong contender in Rivals 2 as the grind will seemingly never stop!

8. Wai

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (3)“Hey! It’s me, Wai!”

Wai had yet another impressive season, making a deep run at Riptide 2023 and winning CREST 2 over elkiies and Cork_xx. Throughout the season, Wai was consistent in his performance, only losing a single set to a player rankend outside of the Top 13 while attending eight different events. Wai’s favorite moment of the season was Soulrifle211 winning Genesis X and beyond Season 8, Wai intends to continue playing Rivals for the foreseeable future.

7. ZeeBee

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (4)“A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.”- Hamilton

A familiar face in the Top 10 makes another return, sporting a cycle of four different characters depending on the matchup and what his opponent can handle. ZeeBee managed to take sets off of CakeAssault, Kusi, and CheesyPotato while finding 2nd and 3rd place finishes at the July Online RCS and Hitfall 2 respectively.

In addition to his impressive RCS wins, ZeeBee was able to transfer his Rivals 1 and other platform fighting experience over to the first Rivals 2 public bracket at Genesis X. His first place finish on the Sunday stage capped off a dominating run where he only dropped two games in his 9-0 run for the crown. ZeeBee looks forward to a brand new Rivals meta with the sequel, where he hopes to show everyone what the game has to offer!

6. darai

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (5)“What a view.”

The mastermind behind the Sunnyshore series and a big contributor to the Grassroots League Invitational, darai weighs in as the top Ranno of Season 8! Darai managed to secure a 1st place finish at Major Upset and, over the course of the season, collected wins against the likes of Soulrifle211, Kusi, Penguin, and many more. His overall performance was nearly perfect, missing Top 8 just twice out of the 10 events he attended, and outside of one poor placement with a few uncharacteristic losses, only losing sets to current and former Top 15 players. Subscribe to his YouTube for more Rivals content!

5. Penguin

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (6)“Doubles is cool. :)” -Emily

Almost symbolically, the upper echelon of our final day are simply built different. From this point forward, these players were nearly unstoppable for those ranked below them and any blemishes on their records are only perceived that way as a result of the unnaturally high level of competition our Top 5 brought to the table this Season.

Penguin marks a second year in a row as the 5th Ranked player in North America, taking down Soulrifle211, CheesyPotato, darai, ZeeBee, Wai, elkiies, and Sparx21 in an impressive collection of Top 10 wins – only failing to beat CakeAssault while somehow never colliding with Kusi in tournament. It wouldn’t look that way to the untrained eye, but Penguin claims she accomplished her Top 8 appearances at all but one event with little to no practice. Her main drive for attending events in Season 8 was to hang out with friends and have a good time. Penguin once again exemplified what top level Rivals play looks like and we’re grateful to still see her in the community after all these years.

4. CheesyPotato

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (7)“What a view.”

Jumping up four spots from Season 7, CheesyPotato seemed like an entirely new beast as she attended an astounding 14 different events, finishing in the Top 8 in all but Rivals Recess Major 3. CheesyPotato won three different GRL events and finished 2nd at two different RCS tournaments. We saw nothing but improvement as she was able to win sets against almost every player she faced and came remarkably close to taking down a long time bracket demon of hers on three separate occasions. Everything came to a head as she attained a 4th place finish at the RCS Finals, outlasting the likes of Seggo and Penguin to do it.

“Filling out this form for what might be the last time is making me a little emotional… I’m forever grateful that I had the opportunity to travel to so many events this year and make so many memories with so many friends. I hope this community never dies, I’ll be here till the end :)”

3. Kusi

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (8)

Kusi flies in at third place this season, doing so while winning his first and 2nd RCS majors and never placing below 3rd in any of his eight events. Kusi’s switch to Wrastor took many by surprise, as his classic bait and punish game cranked up to 11 to win our 2nd most stacked event of the season over CakeAssault. Kusi has a playstyle that can feel insurmountable at times while precisely punishing every misstep in neutral.

Kusi is an incredibly talented player, showing a deep understanding of top level play and exhibiting mastery in multiple platform fighters at once at major events. True to form, he carried his Wrastor into the Genesis X Rivals 2 bracket and placed 2nd on our biggest stage. We hope to see Kusi continue the grind, especially after watching his performance at GOML X last weekend.

2. Soulrifle211

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (9)“Don’t forget what it takes” – Caulin_26546

Coming in 2nd this year in an extremely close race is our Genesis X champion! Soulrifle211 picked up a 1st place finish at our biggest event, double eliminating CakeAssault in what might have been the most clean Rivals 1 gameplay in the history of the game. On top of his Genesis win, Soulrifle211 collected 1st place victories in all three GRL events he attended and placed 2nd after a Grand Finals reset at Heat Wave 6. The race this year was tight and given more time we could have easily seen Soulrifle211 snatch the crown.

“I’m looking forward to competing in Rivals 2. Now that I have a lot of competitive experience I hope to dominate Rivals 2 until I win a major with every character.”

1. CakeAssault

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (10)

The prodigal son returns. CakeAssault at the top of our list may not seem like much of a surprise to some onlookers, but to those keeping track of the grueling RCS race of Season 8, they know that this could not have been any closer. CakeAssault finished 1st in four RCS events and two GRL events, placing 2nd in both RCS majors he did not win and 2nd/3rd in his remaining two GRL events.

Over the course of the season, CakeAssault had only two losses to players outside of the top 3; in both cases he got his revenge in the rematch later in bracket and then proceeded to win the tournament. While the race may have been too close to call, CakeAssault took the reins and proved time and time again this season that he is on another level. This marks CakeAssault’s 5th first place ranking out of the eight seasons the RCS has ran. Long live the king.

Categories: Announcement, Community, Esports, News | Comments: 0

Season 8 Rankings: #20-11

By SBS — May 23, 2024

Welcome to the North American RCS Season 8 Top 50! Each year we look back on the previous competitive season and the players who influenced our scene by creating a Top 50 Players list. The rankings are created by a community panel that considers data from across the season to construct a comprehensive list that highlights our top players and their accomplishments.

View more articles in the Season Eight NA Rankings Series:
    • #50-41
    • #40-31
    • #30-21
    • #20-11 (You Are Here)
    • #10-1

20. Chompers

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (11)“Rev up those fryers!”

Chompers opens up the Top 20 this season as a solo Etalus main that has a passion for pushing the character as far as possible, all while focusing on having a good time. Chompers had strong showings at all four of his events, only dropping sets to players ranked above him in a season full of stiff competition. His wins over elkiies, OoDa, Danzello, and Bucket along the way highlighted him as an ice cold divider and gatekeeper of the Top 20.

19. Moosseff

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (12)“Shine on benevolent sun.”

Making his first Top 50 appearance in stylish fashion is a fan favorite that has taken Wrastor to new heights. Moosseff says that difficult to master expressive characters remind him of playing an instrument, another of his passions. He shined in Season 8 with a 5th place at RCS December Online and a 2nd place finish at The Reef, picking up wins against the likes of Sparx21, MSB, Bagel, and much more. Moosseff loves the community and hopes to see future Rivals 1 competitive seasons even if Rivals 2 takes the spotlight.

18. elpe

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (13)

“I really enjoyed my time playing rivals 1. Being my 4th time on the top 50 in a row I’m happy to be one of the few who stuck around and enjoyed the game since it came out in early access in 2015. I made a lot of memories and friends through it and I’m glad to have had the experience of competition in my life which formed me into who I am today. I feel like this was a great season to close off rivals 1 with for me. This game has been in my life for almost 9 years now which is unbelievable to say and it was always a goal of mine to be ranked so being there for 4 years in a row is incredible.”

17. OoDa

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (14)

One of the most active players of the season, ringing in at nine events, OoDa once again proved to be a player that can beat anyone on a good day – even an Etalus this year! OoDa had several Top 8 placements this season, with two wins over Sparx21, a victory in the ditto against Guard, and much more. He mentions that a highlight of the season was being able to hang out with friends and other players outside of events instead of only planning around Rivals brackets. We are excited to see his grind continue into Rivals 2, which he plans on focusing on when it releases later this year.

16. Bagel

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (15)

A Top 50 mainstay and Rivals veteran, Bagel attended 10 different events this season while TOing GOML 2023. True to his form Bagel was extremely consistent, with single digit placements in all but two tournaments. Bagel managed to only drop sets to current and former Top 20 players while punching above his rank on numerous occasions. By the time this article comes out, GOML 2024 will have just finished, and you can thank Bagel among the greater GOML staff for making it happen. We love to see his commitment year after year and hope to see him flourish in the future.

15. Plastic Dinos

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (16)“yeah dude”

The commissioner of the Grassroots League Season 2 and one of the community leaders out of Arizona comes in at number 15 this year. Plastic Dinos was in every single Top 8 he attended this year, either as a player or holding down the mic as one of the best player/commentators dual threats in the business. His Clairen particularly shined in GRL events, securing a 2nd place at Super Sunnyshore and 5th place finishes at both TAPS 6 and Major Upset. While he did not quite achieve his goal of Top 10 this season, he looks forward to continue his quest in both iterations of the game. On the T.O. side of things, he played a major role in the execution of Heat Wave 6 and spearheaded the fantastic GRL Finals invitational sendoff. We can’t wait to see what he and the rest of the AZ have cooking when Rivals 2 makes its way onto the scene.

14. PlushyPanic!

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (17)“Changing is our normal state. Even if we’re not changing on the outside we’re changing on the inside constantly. There’s some stuff about me that I’ve been ignoring for a long time. I’m afraid of that stuff. But it’s part of who I am. As long as I know the shape of my soul, I’ll be alright.” – Jake the dog

PlushyPanic! is a long time player that has dedicated herself to improvement and achieved the status of a top player. She had a stellar showing at GRL events, placing 4th or better at all three tournaments she attended. Not to say that her RCS events were bad by any means, as she placed 9th at Riptide 2023 and 7th at RCS December Online, never placing below 17th at even the biggest stage. PlushyPanic! is the highest ranking solo Hodan, bringing what many claim to be a weak character to the highest levels of competition.

13. Guard

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (18)“Never give up because great things take time.”

An exciting addition to the Top 50 this year comes as a result of his phenominal 3rd place finish at RCS December Online, securing a flight voucher to Genesis X and allowing him to qualify for Top 50 at the Season 8 Finals. Guard is a Clairen legend that rarely gets to leave his home state of Florida. While we saw him place well at both Florida events and both Online events he attended, seeing him compete at Genesis for the first time was an absolute treat. As the highest ranking Clairen, Guard has proven yet again that he is a force to be reckoned with.

12. MSB

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (19)“that’s what they called me in high school”

We’ve mentioned a few times that players have been well traveled… well none as much as MSB in Season 8. MSB has been a Top 10 threat since the very first RCS, and he continued to push boundries while picking up an all new character in Olympia and attending a shocking 15 tournaments this season (including every single RCS bracket). MSB took down multiple Top 10 players while earning Top 8 finishes in eight different events, peaking with a 2nd place at Major Upset. On Top of his Rivals 1 accolades, MSB placed 9th overall at the Genesis X Rivals 2 bracket, showing that his skills will absolutely transfer over to our sequel.

11. Giga

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (20)“Prism never dies. Wouldn’t be here without y’all <3"

In a stark contrast attendance-wise to our previous player, Giga was only able to attend four events. The tournaments he was able to make however, were consistently top level showings. Giga placed 7th at Heat Wave 6 and TAPS 6, and 9th at Riptide 2023 and Hitfall 2. His wins consisted of Wai, ZeeBee, Squanto, Bagel, and much more while balancing his Sylvanos and Hodan picks throughout the season. Giga looks forward to pushing the Rivals 2 meta in weird and crazy ways for his characters, just like he did in Rivals 1.

Categories: Announcement, Community, Esports, News | Comments: 1

Season 8 Rankings: #30-21

By SBS — May 22, 2024

Welcome to the North American RCS Season 8 Top 50! Each year we look back on the previous competitive season and the players who influenced our scene by creating a Top 50 Players list. The rankings are created by a community panel that considers data from across the season to construct a comprehensive list that highlights our top players and their accomplishments.

View more articles in the Season Eight NA Rankings Series:
    • #50-41
    • #40-31
    • #30-21 (You Are Here)
    • #20-11
    • #10-1

30. Qunne

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (21)“I lowkey wash bucket’s lack of a father figure in rivals “

Kicking off the Top 30 is a player who spent his first season competing just wanting to break into the rankings, but who quickly found his rapid improvement could propel him into being one of the best out there. Qunne shot onto the scene like a cannonball this season, bringing players like Kusi to tense game 5 sets multiple times while taking down the likes of Danzello, Lattim, and even Penguin. Qunne’s competitive drive doesn’t stop here, as he hopes to continue entering brackets with his eyes set on the crown.

29. Omar

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (22)“ONWARD”

Omar lands at 29 as the only Shovel Knight main on the Top 50, showing a masterclass of the character throughout the season as one of the few players capable of piloting him at a high level. Coupled with strong showings at Genesis X and Riptide 2023, Omar secured 9th place finishes at The Reef and the extremely stacked July Online RCS. He plans on moving on to Rivals 2 following Season 8, but is excited to try out the new characters and find a main he can VIBE with all over again.

28. Onesy

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (23)“It’s still Onesy in the onesie B)”

If you have attended a Rivals Major in recent years, you may recognize Onesy as the guy that wears the onesy to brackets (crazy right?!). This Oklahoma Kragg main loves hanging out with friends and meeting new people after brackets conclude, citing the people in the community as his highlight for events. While he dipped his toes into the world of Maypul this season, occasionally bringing her out in high stakes sets, his Kragg was just as dangerous as ever, helping him land at 9th at GOML 2023 and at 17th at both of our most stacked events of the year, Genesis X and Riptide 2023.

27. Rakai

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (24)“Put your best foot forward in anything you do.” – my grandmother

Rakai had their breakout tournament at Heat Wave 6 this season, placing in the Top 8, one year after their first ever offline major at Heat Wave 5. Their run was nothing short of electrifying as the historically brutal event ran them into CyberHex, Ahntye, Seggo, and fellow Heat Wave 6 breakout star – Spyker. Outside of their impressive Heat Wave run, Rakai’s favorite moment of the season was watching Soulrifle211 win Genesis X. Rakai aims to become the best Wrastor in Rivals 2, a difficult yet attainable goal after seeing what just one year of offline competition brought to the table.

26. Games & Flames

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (25)“The second you lose track of me, you realize you’re dead.”

The keyboard player that could makes his second appearance in a row on the Top 50, looking more dangerous than ever at LAN events, perhaps held back only by his tight schedule causing Cinderella runs to be cut short by bracket DQs. Games & Flames only dropped sets to Top 30 players this season, with a potential deep run at Heat Wave 6 cut short due to an early flight. Games & Flames has continued to surpass all expectations and aims to become a top level Fleet in Rivals 2.

25. Bucket

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (26)“Wrastor is broken” – Qunne’s mom

An online powerhouse that has slowly made his way to more and more LAN events this season lands at our halfway point of the Season 8 Top 50. Bucket stood out this season with a 5th place finish at The Reef and a 9th place finish at RCS July. Along the way he was able to earn victories against ZeeBee, elkiies, Guard, and OoDa in a display of Orcane prowess that drove him to become the only Orcane main on the Season 8 rankings. Bucket hopes to take this momentum into our sequel as he aims to make the first ever Rivals 2 rankings after the game releases.

24. Danzello

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (27)

Danzello had a volatile Season 8, making a deep run at Hitfall 2 and impressive showings at TAPS 6 and Riptide 2023. Along the way he proved that he could take down virtually any player on the right day, with wins over Wai, MSB, Starbos, and more. Danzello is looking forward to the new meta Rivals 2 has to offer and the discoveries made along the way.

23. Lucius

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (28)“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

Another well-traveled player this season, Lucius attended seven events and only missed two RCS tournaments. Lucius credits his strong mindset for his performance and overall enjoyment of Season 8, easily achieving his goal of a Top 30 appearance. Outside of the game, Lucius is a surgical coordinator and voice actor with the goal of voicing a fighting game character/playing as them. He’s also excited to show off his full fursuit upgrade at future majors when Rivals 2 drops later this year.

22. Codek

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (29)“Attaining one’s dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.”

Codek secured Top 8 placements at the July Online RCS event and Hitfall 2 this season, where he experienced the highlight of his career through his run with the crowd cheering him on against Danzello. Codek has been on the rise for a few seasons now and plans on carrying this momentum full steam into Rivals 2 when he gets the chance. Be prepared to see him more often as Codek is about to finish his Bachelor’s degree in CS, which he hopes will put him in a prime position to attend more events than ever before.

21. Tabski

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (30)“Pomme carries me and I carry Pomme”

Closing the door on what seems to be the block of character specialists, Tabski carried Pomme to the very top of our third day of reveals. Tabski has been a notorious Pomme pilot (LOL), known for his defensive and unapologetic playstyle. His character expertise came to a head after several rounds of Pomme nerfs, taking down MSB and CakeAssault to place 3rd at TBH 11, solidifying himself as the best Pomme main to date. As Rivals 2 gets closer, Tabski is excited for an influx of new players to reignite some of his competitive drive later this year.

Categories: Announcement, Community, Esports, News | Comments: 1

Season 8 Rankings: #40-31

By SBS — May 21, 2024

Welcome to the North American RCS Season 8 Top 50! Each year we look back on the previous competitive season and the players who influenced our scene by creating a Top 50 Players list. The rankings are created by a community panel that considers data from across the season to construct a comprehensive list that highlights our top players and their accomplishments.

View more articles in the Season Eight NA Rankings Series:
    • #50-41
    • #40-31 (You are here.)
    • #30-21
    • #20-11
    • #10-1

40. Oneoutkast

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (31)“I like winning or losing, failing or succeeding on my own merit.”-CM Punk

Day two of Top 50 kicks off with a mainstay in the PNW Power Rankings, Oneoutkast! His events overall were relatively strong, and he was able to rack up back to back 9th place finishes at The Reef and RCS December, securing wins against a slew of current and former Top 50 heavy hitters such as Omar and MattyIce. Oneoutkast was also able secure a 4th place finish on his home turf at CREST 2, taking down Mystery Sol and TaiTheGuy along the way. Oneoutkast says he is excited for Rivals 2 but still intends to compete in Rivals 1 as long as there is competition to conquer!

39. JLindy

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (32)“Buff maypul bair that move isn’t good enough.”

As the Canadian invasion continues, JLindy is another new face to the Top 50! While his appearances were largely online this season, JLindy made an appearance at GOML, where he was excited to meet the local community and top players in person. Rivals of Aether has been JLindy’s first dip into competitive play, showing he has what it takes to grind and improve at a rapid rate. JLindy was able to secure 13th placements at both Online RCS events and throughout the season, only lost sets to players ranked above him. In a bit of a contrast, JLindy says he does not expect to continue his competitive drive with the release of Rivals 2, but is looking forward to being a part of the community.

38. Ahntye

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (33)“Maybe the real kill move was the friends we made along the way…”

Making her return to our Power Rankings is the SoCal T.O. and Grassroots League leadership member, Ahntye. She has been a member of the community since 2018 and has been running locals almost as long, including running Super Sunnyshore as a GRL event in Season 8. Ahntye is one of the most prolific commentators in the scene and can often be found holding down the mic anywhere from North American majors and Workshop Top 8s to overseas online majors – chances are, if you watch competitive Rivals, you have heard her voice.

Ahntye is one of the most knowledgeable Ori mains to ever do it, helping with balance and niche bugs on the official beta team. On the competitive side of the game, she was able to secure wins on players such as OoDa and Qunne while consistently making the top cut of every LAN event she attended.

37. Cork_xx

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (34)“I graduated High School 2014 and have been playing Rivals since 2015 so it is not wrong to say this game has been a pillar in my adult life so far. Thank you everyone!”

<.< A long time top player and enigma of a competitor lands at 37 this season! Cork is a player that can take down top 10 talent, play random on a whim, or take the wrong week off of work for a major in his own region. Cork is a joy to be around and fight against, making competition a blast for everyone around him. His RCS events this season were a bit weak compared to his incredibly strong GRL events, where he secured a win over elkiies at CREST 2 and placed 1st from winners side at COST 2023. Overall, Cork's results are a bit all over the board, landing him a bit lower than you'd expect with his stellar peaks this season.

36. JohnJake

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (35)“Pardon my egress. You’re on your own now.”

JohnJake is a Forsburn player that made a big splash in Season 8, attaining his first ever RCS Top 8 at TBH 11 and drawing large crowds in his game 5 sets against Pity and Farbanti at Riptide 2023. JohnJake was relatively consistent in his placings, never dropping below 25th place at his 7 events while securing wins against the likes of elkiies, Brunch, and more along the way. His competitive mindset has taken a shift in the off-season, with rock climbing and learning Japanese in preparation for studying abroad later this year.

35. Akashi

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (36)“Prota said it’s my turn to be the second best Absa.”

Akashi took a step back from his hardcore Top 10 player grind to focus more on his commentary skills this season. Despite putting competition on the back-burner, he was able to place no lower than 25th in his six events, including a 9th place finish at Hitfall 2 and 17th place finish at the incredibly stacked Riptide 2023. Akashi is looking forward to both Rivals titles being at events and expects to play Fleet in our sequel while he waits for Absa to make her electrifying appearance.

“If I could say anything at this point, it’s just that I’m proud of everyone who made it this season. I’m grateful for all the friends I made in the community, and I’ll keep on playing until the heat death of the universe though. This game is so much fun, and I honestly can’t wait to play Rivals 2 Absa.”

34. Adam

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (37)“Just turned down a job offer to be Mr.Electric from Shark Boy and Lava Girl cause I’m too Electric.”

Adam is a returning Top 50 player who spent Season 8 with the goal of focusing on other platform fighters while attempting to still make the rankings. Adam’s goal was soundly achieved as he secured a 9th place finish at RCS December, collecting wins over the likes of MSB and JLindy. Adam’s season consisted of four events where he only lost sets to current and former Top 20 players.

33. rillabel

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (38)“I refuse to believe you watch VODs, you play the most crackhead Etalus I’ve ever seen.” – @GigaDragonPlus

Rillabel began playing Rivals during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but does not compete often. This season, rillabel attended four events with relatively consistent placements until a massive run at TBH 11 where rillabel went on a run beating Cork_xx, JohnJake, Skooli, and MSB to secure a 4th place finish. Rillabel is excited for Rivals 2 and hopes to attend some tournaments when the game comes out later this year.

32. w0wells

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (39)HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY – Ahntye

W0wells was a well traveled Wrastor main in Season 8, attending seven different events with the goal of making an upset on a top player. His GRL events were particularly strong, with Top 8 placements at CREST 2 and Two Day War, where he achieved his upset against MSB. W0wells mentions that traveling to so many events in the future may be difficult with school taking priority, but he still plans on practicing Rivals 2 in his free time, so don’t be surprised to see him come out of nowhere and take names in the future.

31. Spyker

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (40)“When you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, then there’s only one way to go from there. That way is up!” -unknown (i forgot)

Closing out our second day of reveals is an extremely volatile player who made big WAVES at Heat Wave 6 and Super Sunnyshore. Spyker has been on the rise for several seasons, seemingly making a breakthrough of sorts by earning his best RCS placement ever and proving that his Forsburn is a technical force to be reckoned with. We unfortunately may see less of Spyker as he prepares to begin work on his Master’s degree in the Fall, for which we wish him the best of luck!

Categories: Announcement, Community, Esports, News | Comments: 3

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41

By SBS — May 20, 2024

Welcome to the North American RCS Season 8 Top 50! Each year we look back on the previous competitive season and the players who influenced our scene by creating a Top 50 Players list. The rankings are created by a community panel that considers data from across the season to construct a comprehensive list that highlights our top players and their accomplishments.

View more articles in the Season Eight NA Rankings Series:
    • #50-41 (You are here.)
    • #40-31
    • #30-21
    • #20-11
    • #10-1

50. JustaRandomdud3

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (41)“Characters with broken Down B’s my beloved”

The Season 8 Top 50 is finally here, and JustaRandomdud3 makes his first appearance on our Power Rankings! Attending all four online events from his home in Mexico, JustaRandomdud3 secured wins over three different Top 50 competitors, while only dropping a single set to a non-ranked player. His consistency shined this season as a recent Rivals Amateur Series graduate, grinding and improving rapidly to win the hard fought and well earned fight for spot number 50.

49. Seelder

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (42)“Fair bash is true”

Making his first appearance on the Rivals Top 50 Rankings, Seelder is an up and coming Ori main from California with a love for the character and his local scene. Seelder’s improvement over the course of Season 8 can be clearly seen through placements, starting off with a 65th in RCS July and gradually earning better and better results until an impressive 25th at Genesis X.
Seelder claims a lot of his improvement and motivation comes from his favorite player, Ahntye, who hosts SoCal locals and is a treasure trove of Ori knowledge. Recognizing his trajectory should have competitors take notice for the future, and Seelder’s motivation is at an all-time high to carry over to Rivals 2 learn a new game from the beginning.

48. ThrownOrc

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (43)“That’s how I play Ma BIIIRD!!!”

A crowd favorite makes his hotly anticipated first ever Top 50! ThrownOrc has been on the cusp of a breakthrough for some time now leading into Season 8, where he kicked the grind into overdrive and attended every single RCS LAN and four different GRL events. ThrownOrc showed consistency at the big three; placing 33rd at Heat Wave 6, Riptide, and Genesis X with wins over the likes of Spyker, Farbanti, and ColbyJackC. Coming in at the 48 slot, his goal for the season seems to have been achieved; however, this will not stop Johnny from continuing the climb in both Rivals 1 and Rivals 2.
“I want to shoutout my Mom and Dad (MamaTORC and PapaTORC) and my Boss Shanager at HFCC for their constant support they’ve given me in my journey of Gaming. And shoutout to The TORC Nation for all the encouragement throughout the years.”

47. Subserial

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (44)“Misanthropists are cowards; love so hard it’s like sweet madness.”

Everyone’s favorite D6 main is back fro another Top 50 appearance! While he didn’t have any goals beyond spending time with friends met along his journey, Subserial attended four LAN events, making the Top cut at Riptide and Genesis X with wins over Omar and Ateozc while wielding his legendary D6 to select his character for every game. Looking forward, Subserial is naturally excited to play Fleet in Rivals 2 as she shares his affinity for dice and friendship.

46. CyberHex

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (45)

The head T.O. of Rivals Recess is back on the Top 50 list after achieving some of her best results ever on the biggest stages in Rivals. CyberHex has been the head T.O. for amateur brackets in Rivals for the past 2 years, but also branches out into open brackets from time to time. Her event, Rivals Recess Major 3, was a key GRL online major for the community both in accessibility to events and quality. You may have also heard of her followup event recently, as Rivals Recess Major 4 continued to introduce high level Rivals brackets to the greater community after the RCS has concluded while simultaneously providing the largest Rivals 2 Beta weekend bracket that acted as a beacon in a sea of fantastic events over our first public playtest.
CyberHex has contributed to the Rivals community in a reliable and growth-focused way that continues to impress whenever she heads a project. Be sure to appreciate her hard work as her love of the community continues to shine.

45. Lucio

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (46)“If you rank me below 45 you’re racist.”

Lucio is our second player hailing from Mexico to break into the Top 50 in Season 8, making his first appearance through impressive online performances and a strong showing at our Genesis X finale. His swap from Ori to Zetterburn seems to have paid dividends as his only losses were to current and one former Top 50 level competitor, showing a constant push to improve and punch above his previous skill levels. Lucio was excited to meet online friends at Genesis X and Hurricane and looks forward to keeping Mexico on the map as he believes it is underrepresented and full of high level competition going into Rivals 2.

44. HealsGood

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (47)“Forsburn player (derogatory)”

Yet another new face to the Rivals Top 50, HealsGood is a new age Sylvanos main that pick up the game in April 2022 and has evolved into a threat to the new and old guard alike. His foray into fighting games was relatively recent, showing that he’s a bit of a natural, quickly getting ranked in Rivals 1, and placing 9th at the first ever public Rivals 2 bracket at Genesis X. HealsGood looks forward to starting from scratch and eventually pushing Sylvanos’ meta in Rivals 2 (whenever that may arrive).

43. Brunch

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (48)

Coming in at 43 is another Sylvanos who has been no stranger to the Top 50 rankings. Brunch took a pretty laid back approach to competition this year, entering all four online brackets while focusing on fun and improving in other fighting games. He proved that previous skill tends to stick with an individual regardless of new hours, with strong wins over current and former Top 50 competitors and a stunning victory at Rivals Recess Major 3 over Top 10 mainstay, ZeeBee. Brunch is looking forward to improving at Rivals 2 and hopes that Sylvanos join the fray before too long.

42. Veil

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (49)“No dude”

Veil may have changed her tag between seasons, but she is just as deadly as ever as she swings in at number 42 in Season 8. This season presented new opportunities for Veil as she took on greater responsibilities as a T.O. and production assistant for Midwestern events such as Two Day War and Riptide 2023. She used this season and her newfound job to reconnect with the community and travel more than ever while still proving herself as a threat to top level talent, taking MSB and Wai to Game 5 scenarios at different events. If you want to keep up with Veil, be sure to follow her on X as she spends time as a streamer, content creator, and cosplayer outside of her bracket runs!

41. Ateozc

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (50)“Uhhhh……” – Patrick Star

Rounding out our first ten competitors today is the legendary Chicago T.O., Ateozc. Ateozc played both Absa and Olympia in Season 8 at a high level, making him a truly dangerous double threat, especially on his home turf where he was able to secure a win on Sparx21 on his way to 3rd at COST 2023. Ateozc looks forward to being more of a competitor than a T.O. in the future; however, you can still find him next week running yet another community bracket for Rivals of Aether at Combo Breaker.

Categories: Announcement, Community, Esports, News | Comments: 1

Season 8 Rankings: #50-41 (2024)
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