Titanium Toxicity - Zeramex USA (2024)

Titanium Toxicity - Zeramex USA (1)

Titanium is a commonly used inert bio-implant material within the medical and dental fields. It is one of the most widely used materials for dental implants due to its mechanical strength and a long history of use. Current titanium is thought to be safe but in some cases, there are reports of problems caused by titanium.

There is no known biological role for titanium. In most of these problematic reports, only individual reports are dominant and comprehensive reporting has not been performed. Cause of these implant failures can be poor oral hygiene, uncontrolled deposition of plaque, and calculus around the implant which cause peri-implantitis or occlusal problems.

Titanium is commonly used in industrial applications such as coatings for pharmaceuticals, processing materials for gum and confections, food additives, and paints. It is also used in manufacturing associated with packing, milling and is used in the cleaning industry so titanium ends up in your food and water supply. In the medical field, titanium and titanium alloys have been used to fabricate various implantation and fixation systems. Many metal products have titanium added to increase strength.

With the widespread use of titanium, there are concerns regarding the adverse effects of titanium accumulation and its effects on the human body. Therefore, stability and potential hazards of it should also be evaluated and discussed.

Titanium Toxicity - Zeramex USA (3)

It is not considered a toxic metal but it is a heavy metal and it does have serious negative health effects. Titanium has the ability to affect lung function causing lung diseases such as pleural disease, it can cause chest pain with tightness, breathing difficulties, coughing, irritation of the skin or eyes. It is carcinogenic and may also cause cancer.

Symptoms of titanium toxicity

Symptoms associated with titanium vary depending on the amount you are currently exposed to, here are some of the more common symptoms:

  • Lung diseases
  • Skin diseases (Eczema)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Cancer
  • Vision problems
  • Sexual weakness (Premature ejacul*tion)
  • Bright’s disease (a disease involving chronic inflammation of the kidneys)
  • Lupus (any of various diseases or conditions marked by inflammation of the skin)

Additional symptoms of titanium toxicity

Titanium has the ability to interact with the essential mineral silica, therefore signs and/or symptoms of silica deficiency can be an indication of a titanium excess.

It’s important to understand that vitamin & mineral supplementation can NOT resolve titanium toxicity and may cover up symptoms leading to bigger problems. Detoxification of titanium is essential to properly restoring vitamin and mineral imbalances.

Silica deficiency – soft or brittle nails, premature wrinkles, thinning or loss of hair, poor bone development and osteoporosis can all be indications of titanium toxicity.

Titanium Toxicity - Zeramex USA (4)

Titanium toxicity & genetics

Some people are genetically predisposed to titanium toxicity. This is because certain genes belonging to liver detoxification pathways that normally deal with titanium detoxification have been deleted. In these cases, a genetics test can confirm and a specialized nutritional program can help the individual detoxify barium.

Titanium Toxicity - Zeramex USA (2024)


Titanium Toxicity - Zeramex USA? ›

Titanium toxicity can elicit a number of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, blurring of vision, respiratory inflammation, lymphedema, and hyperpigmentation of the nails and skin [[12], [13], [14]].

What are the signs of titanium toxicity? ›

Titanium toxicity can elicit a number of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, blurring of vision, respiratory inflammation, lymphedema, and hyperpigmentation of the nails and skin [[12], [13], [14]].

How safe are titanium dental implants? ›

Titanium is a commonly used inert bio-implant material within the medical and dental fields. Although the use of titanium is thought to be safe with a high success rate, in some cases, there are rare reports of problems caused by titanium.

How do you know if your body is rejecting titanium screws? ›

Clinical Characteristics of Hypersensitivity to Titanium. Researchers have described various clinical manifestations in patients with allergies to titanium including episodes of hives, eczema, edema, reddening, and itching of the skin or mucosa, which may be localized, or generalized.

What are the neurological symptoms of titanium? ›

Cognitive Issues – Titanium toxicity could also manifest in the form of cognitive issues. Patients may experience confusion, memory problems, and brain fog. Cognitive issues could result in a decline in overall quality of life.

Can your body reject titanium implants years later? ›

The systemic response to deep implants can occur acutely or many years later. Many patients with implanted metal hardware have positive skin test results for those metals but nevertheless are completely asymptomatic. Some 25% of patients with well-functioning prostheses have metal sensitivity.

Is there a test for titanium toxicity? ›

Overall, the Titanium Blood Test is an important diagnostic tool that can help healthcare providers identify and treat potential health problems related to titanium exposure.

What is the least toxic dental implant? ›

Titanium is a strong, lightweight, non-toxic, and corrosion-resistant material used for dental implants for its long-lasting success rate.

What is the healthiest dental implant? ›

Titanium is one of the few materials known to be biocompatible with the human body. When titanium implants come in contact with the jaw and are left undisturbed, the material allows the implants to tightly integrate into the bone without producing adverse effects.

What is the lifespan of a titanium tooth implant? ›

Here's what you can expect. The average lifespan of a dental implant is anywhere from 10 -30 years. This means that most likely, depending on your age when you get an implant, it will last for the rest of your life. No other tooth replacement option has the ability to last that long.

Can titanium cause neurological problems? ›

The toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (NP) in the central nervous system (CNS) has been reviewed by Czajka et al. [8] who cited numerous cases with reported internalization of TiO2 NP into the brain. In most of these cases neurological damage is also reported.

Who is responsible for dental implant failure? ›

Dental implant failure can be caused by a variety of factors, but the most common cause is due to errors by the surgeon. This can include improper implant placement, poor quality materials, poor post-operative care, or inadequate pre-operative planning.

How long does it take for titanium to fuse with bone? ›

However, most patients can expect their dental implants to fully fuse to the bone within 3-4 months. During this time, you will need to take some steps to protect your jawbone and healing implants by avoiding hard, crunchy, and spicy foods.

How do you treat titanium toxicity? ›

The treatment of titanium toxicity caused by dental implants typically involves removal of the implant and supportive care. If the toxicity is local, such as in the form of inflammation or infection at the implant site, the implant may need to be removed and antibiotics may be prescribed.

How long does titanium stay in system? ›

Background. Titanium is used in metallic prosthetic implants as it is thought to be non – toxic and not rejected by the body, it is thought to be able to stay in place for up to 20 years so is used on younger implant patients so as to reduce the need for further operations.

Does titanium cause inflammation in the body? ›

Studies have shown that the high concentration of titanium particles at the nanoscale can amplify the inflammatory response of surrounding cells. Macrophages are critical to foreign body reactions as they are precursors to the multinuclear giant cells, a key feature of the condition.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.