Robotic Joint Replacement: The Best Time Of Year To Schedule Elective Surgery (2024)

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When Should You Have Surgery?

About 1 million Americans have joint replacement surgery every year. Joint replacements become necessary due to conditions like arthritis or a debilitating injury. Thanks to robotics, some patients can have elective surgery at any time. A common question patients have is the timing of surgery. The time of year for elective surgery is often overlooked, but this simple step can help with a smooth recovery.

Robotic Joint Replacement: The Best Time Of Year To Schedule Elective Surgery (4)

Understanding robotics

As technology has progressed over the years, so have the medical applications. Robotic joint replacement is one such technique that has improved speed, accuracy, and success. The surgeon operates behind a console using a robotic arm to perform the replacement. The robotic arm technology maps out the prosthetic replacement beforehand to the patient’s exact needs. On the day of the surgery, the robotic arm supports the surgeon in removing the damaged cartilage and bone, installing the new joint.

Consider spring and fall

Doctors recommend spring and fall as the ideal times for surgery. Moving around and exercising are essential parts of recovery. The weather around this time is perfect for maximizing visits to a physical therapist. Spring and early fall also allow for fewer layers of clothing, so clothes would not impact the surgical site. Patients will also find changing clothes easier and exercising more convenient.

Save it for summer?

Summer sounds like the ideal time for surgery, but there are some drawbacks. The hot weather can also make physical therapy and exercise unappealing. Some patients will find incisions are more challenging to change and manage. Above all, who wants to be recovering during the summer? Patients prefer to be fully recovered by then to have fun and enjoy the new joint.

What about winter?

Patients are less inclined to move due to the cold weather. A lack of movement can slow down recovery as exercising helps strengthen the surrounding muscles. Icy floors are also dangerous, increasing the chances of injury. The colder months also impact circulation, which can decline for older patients. Winter also increases the chances of postoperative depression, an often overlooked condition.

It’s up to you

Robotic arm surgery is renowned for high success and faster recovery time. However, the time of year can have a significant impact on recovery. There are pros and cons to having surgery at different times of the year. However, the best time is the most convenient time for the patient. Some people can only get time off in the winter or summer. There’s also the availability of the surgeon to consider. The most significant advantage of robotic surgery is the minimal downtime. Even if the surgery occurs in a less-than-ideal month, patients will be back up and running quickly.

Gold Coast Surgery Center2022-04-05T22:36:37-05:00

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Robotic Joint Replacement: The Best Time Of Year To Schedule Elective Surgery (2024)


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Like Spring, Autumn is a good time of year to undergo knee replacement surgery. The temperatures make sleeping far easier, while the nights are lighter, making exercise more accessible.

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Like Spring, Autumn is a good time of year to undergo knee replacement surgery. The temperatures make sleeping far easier, while the nights are lighter, making exercise more accessible.

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People who have had joint replacements often expect those symptoms to disappear – and can be surprised when they don't. Replacement joints are not usually painful when the temperature drops, but stiffness and increased sensitivity are not uncommon.

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Surgery during the summer months will likely make recovery easier with longer days and the decreased likelihood of catching a cold or flu.

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However, the main disadvantages of robot assisted knee surgery are a slightly longer surgery time (though both robot-assisted and traditional knee replacement surgery only take one to two hours, depending on the case) and a possibility for an additional, very small incision for pin placement.

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You may be wondering when is the best time of year to have knee replacement surgery. Many patients ask this question when considering TKR and the consensus is that the spring and early fall are the best seasons.

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Recovery Timeline: Patients should understand the expected recovery timeline and when they can gradually resume activities like driving or returning to work. Lifestyle Adjustments: Some adjustments may be necessary, such as avoiding high-impact activities or losing weight to reduce stress on the new knee joint.

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This article will discuss orthopedic surgeries that tend to be more painful or have a more lengthy recovery period.
  1. Spinal Fusion Surgery. ...
  2. Complex Spinal Reconstruction. ...
  3. Knee Replacement. ...
  4. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery. ...
  5. Shoulder Replacement.

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Metal implants used in joint replacements, fracture reinforcement and spine fusions transfer heat and cold better than human tissue. Guests who have metal implants might feel the cold more in the implant area during lower temperatures.

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Just as the effects of weather vary, the best climate may not be the same for all people. But based on research, it appears that for most people with arthritis, a warmer, drier climate may be optimal, such as that in parts of Texas, Arizona, Nevada and the Eastern Sierra region of California.

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There is no official cut-off age for getting a hip replacement. In fact, trends indicate that hip replacements have a higher success rate in older patients than younger ones! This means, as long as patients are healthy, hip replacements are possible well past the 75 – 79 age bracket.

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Before proceeding with hip replacement, your hip arthritis should markedly impact your daily living. Patients who are unable to climb stairs and put on shoes or who need a cane should begin to think about hip replacement.

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How long does it take to walk normally after hip surgery? This depends on your general health and fitness, as well as the condition of your joints and muscles. However, in most cases, you will be able to walk without a walking aid after 10 to 14 days.

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What are the disadvantages of robotic surgery? Disadvantages of robot-assisted surgery are: Only available in centers that can afford the technology and have specially trained surgeons. Your surgeon may need to convert to an open procedure with larger incisions if there are complications.

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How long does surgery take? A robotic total knee replacement will take approximately 1 hour, depending on the severity of the disease.

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Cold temperatures may cause pain in a significant number of patients with orthopedic implants. A high proportion of these patients have significant pain (5–10 on a numeric rating scale) related to cold conditions.

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Patients who have thinning of the cartilage but not bone touching bone should not undergo knee replacement surgery, except in rare circ*mstances.

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There is no age cutoff, young or old. Younger people, however, are more likely to outlive a knee replacement that lasts 15 to 20 years, meaning they will more likely, when compared to older patients, need revision surgery at some point.

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Most people are able to walk without a walker or cane about six weeks after knee replacement surgery. Recovery is different for everyone.

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