What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (2024)

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Maryland Bridge, also known as an adhesive bridge or a resin-bonded bridge, is an effective process to restore an individual’s smile and self-confidence by and replacing a missing tooth or a set of teeth. A Maryland dental bridge not only restores the gap which has been created by a missing tooth or a set of teeth but also restores the lost functionality. This allows for the individual to chew and speak without any difficulty and promote oral health. The difference between a person’s natural teeth and these artificially replaced teeth is almost indistinguishable. It is a cost-effective method of getting the gap in between your teeth filled.

What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (1)

A Maryland bridge is a concoction consisting of artificial porcelain teeth, known as pontics, which are baked onto a metallic structure attached with wings which contain porosities onto their inner surfaces. These are then meant to be affixed with the assistance of adhesive dental cement to the adjacent natural teeth on either posterior sides of the gap where the artificial tooth is to be placed. Formerly, the framework and the wings on a Maryland bridge was only prepared with a metal structure. Whereas, now, individuals have the choice of selecting from either zirconia or reinforced porcelain material to be used in the framework of the Maryland bridge. Both of which provide visually appealing and desirable results.

The Maryland dental bridge is mainly feasible to use in the frontal teeth area because its capacity to staying intact is limited to the resin being used to be fixed to the adjacent teeth on either side. As, if it is used in the molar region, which is subject to biting strongly with force, there are chances of it falling off. For this reason, Maryland dental bridges are more commonly used in the front teeth region where lost teeth are required to be placed. The Maryland dental bridge can be used as a temporary or permanent fix as a tooth replacement option. Patients waiting on implants can also consider this option as a temporary solution before getting implants.

It also requires very nominal preparation on its adjacent teeth as the Maryland dental bridge procedure includes re-contouring, which also removes a portion of the enamel of the teeth. After which a teeth impression is made from conferring to which a temporary bridge is made to keep infection at bay. Lastly, the permanent Maryland Bridge is attached. It can be removed very easily later on in case the patient requires any other form of a dental implant.

What are the Pros and Cons of Getting Maryland Dental Bridges?

Every dental procedure has its advantages and disadvantages, in the same way, the Maryland Bridge Pros and Cons are also inevitable. Some of the Maryland Bridge Pros and Cons are as follows:

What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (2)

Among the Maryland Bridge Pros and Cons, the main benefits of getting Maryland Bridges include:

  • Cost-effective and affordable compared to alternate dental procedures.
  • The low-risk procedure, as it can be easily replaced.
  • Less time-consuming as the procedure is fast and gets done within 2 weeks.
  • Proven to be functional over long periods.
  • Less invasive and less intrusive procedure to adjacent teeth as they do not require to be filed down, as wings are attached to one side of the surrounding teeth, the inner part of the tooth does not need to be exposed.
  • Pain-free procedure compared to various other alternate dental procedures.
  • Provides instant results as it can be placed right after a tooth is extracted, so a temporary denture is not required.
  • Minimal preparation is required for the surrounding teeth.
  • Made from the same material as a regular bridge, but a Maryland bridge cuts the price in half or less.
  • Requires a lesser number of appointments to complete the procedure.
  • Minimal or no requirement for tooth maintenance.
  • Easier and quicker to prepare as the process of designing the Maryland Bridge structure is much easier and simpler compared to other procedures.
  • Provide a consistent, convenient, and, appealing tooth replacement option for those who have lost their front tooth or set of teeth.

Among the Maryland Bridge Pros and Cons, the potential drawbacks of getting Maryland Bridges include:

  • May not be feasible for getting teeth replaced in the molar or back region of the mouth.
  • This dental procedure may not be permanently secured as it may require for it to be re-bonded every 5 to 8 years.
  • The attached metal wings may cause the enamel of the adjacent teeth to darken, resulting in an undesirable color mismatch to occur.
  • The artificial teeth or the porcelain pontics may be light in color compared to the natural teeth.
  • The strength or capacity of the bridge to stay intact depends upon the strength of the resin used to bond the bridge to the adjacent teeth.
  • As a result of the use of a metallic framework for its attachment and support, it has a very limited usage period.
  • They are only suitable to be used in case a dental situation arises, so they are not used very frequently for the replacement of a tooth.
  • If a metal framework is used, it may cause the artificial teeth to be darker than the adjacent natural teeth, for which frameworks made from zirconia, reinforced porcelain or other types of high strength ceramic materials are being used.

What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (3)

What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (4)

How Long Does a Maryland Bridge Last?

Generally, a Maryland Bridge can last in between 5 to 15 years, with the appropriate care and getting regular dental check-ups. The common lifespan for these bridges remains for over ten years among various individuals.

Does a Maryland Bridge Damage your Teeth?

Maryland bridges can cause damage to the teeth that are healthy. The reason behind this damage may be the presence of cementing metal at the back of teeth. These bridges can also not resist much pressure during chewing unlike the other bridges.

How is a Maryland Bridge Designed?

The way a Maryland bridge is designed is slightly dissimilar to the way other types of dental bridges are made. The main reason behind this is that this process requires a very minimal preparation time of the supporting teeth. Firstly, the supporting teeth are prepared after which the dentist makes an impression of the teeth which needs to be replaced. Once the porcelain pontics are prepared, it is then attached to the supporting natural teeth with the help of dental cement or resin. Although in some cases, if required, a slight depression is made on the inner surface of the supporting teeth to increase the retention of the bridge framework structure.

Am I Permissible to Get a Maryland Bridge?

Getting a Maryland bridge is optimal for individuals who are looking to get a solution for getting a replacement on their missing teeth. However, not all individuals are suitable for this process such as individuals who do not uphold good oral hygiene or who smoke and gave unhealthy teeth to support the process may not be suitable candidates for this procedure. Moreover, individuals looking to get this procedure done but get checked for tooth decays, cavities, or periodontal diseases on their supporting or adjacent teeth and then get them treated instantly.

This dental procedure is ideal for those individuals who are liable to uphold excellent oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing daily, getting professional cleanings twice a year, and so on. Since a lack of upholding this responsibility may cause bacteria to build up and cause problems around the dental restoration.

How Much Does a Maryland Dental Bridge Cost?

Maryland bridges are generally cost-effective and affordable, although there are a few factors to consider when it comes to the cost of getting the dental procedure done. The following factors will be assessed by your dentist, upon which a professional consultation will be provided depending on your situation, according to which the cost will vary. The factors to take into consideration are as follows:

  • The number of missing teeth which require teeth replacement.
  • Type of materials used in the structure of the Maryland Bridge, such as the pontics and its framework.
  • Difficulty in the placement of the Maryland Bridge.
  • Any additional required treatments for other dental problems which may be necessary to get treated before getting a Maryland bridge.

If you are a suitable candidate to get a Maryland bridge, you will discover that this dental procedure is typically inexpensive compared to dental implants or dental implant-supported bridges or other types of teeth replacement procedures. This procedure will help you save up on money as long as excellent oral hygiene is maintained adhering to the dentists’ instructions.

What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (5)

Maryland Bridges depends on the position of the teeth, which requires replacement and the hygiene condition of its supporting teeth. It may not be the best solution for everyone, in some cases, it might not even be an option for certain individuals. Due to which it is vital to get your dentists opinion and suggestion on the matter and look into procedures which may be best fitting to you. Before deciding on any dental procedure, look into all the alternative options and know what you require and which procedure will provide you with the most suitable outcome in the long-term.

Maryland Bridges: Replacement of Missing teeth with Dental Maryland Bridges

What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL (2024)


What Are Maryland Dental Bridge Pros and Cons? | CARDS DENTAL? ›

Maryland bridges can cause damage to the existing teeth and are not sturdy. Because Maryland bridges involve cementing metal to the back of the teeth, it can do permanent damage to the healthy teeth. These bridges are also not as resilient to the pressure from chewing as other bridge types.

What are the disadvantages of a Maryland bridge? ›

Maryland bridges can cause damage to the existing teeth and are not sturdy. Because Maryland bridges involve cementing metal to the back of the teeth, it can do permanent damage to the healthy teeth. These bridges are also not as resilient to the pressure from chewing as other bridge types.

What is the main advantage of a Maryland bridge? ›

Pros of Maryland Dental Bridge

It has lower risks because it is a non-invasive procedure. No enamel is removed while installing it and it gives you a seamless smile. It does not disturb the surrounding teeth. You can still easily brush your teeth even after having Maryland tooth bridge.

Are Maryland bridges worth it? ›

While it can be very successful, the Maryland bridge is not perfect. Bonding metal behind a natural tooth can make the supporting teeth appear darker in color, as the JERD review explains. However, to address this problem, new, all-ceramic options are emerging.

What are the disadvantages of a dental bridge? ›

For example, there is a risk of decay of if the bridge and crowns are not well fitted and allow plaque and bacteria to enter underneath them. Additionally, the structure of the teeth may change following the placement of the crowns and bridge.

Can you eat normally with a Maryland bridge? ›

Once you leave your appointment, you should be able to eat and speak normally right away. As the procedure does not require the significant removal of your tooth enamel, you should not experience any pain after the bridge is attached.

What foods to avoid with a Maryland bridge? ›

Hard Foods

So, you should avoid foods like popcorn kernels, chips, raw carrots, and hard candies after a dental bridge to make it lasts longer. These are some of the food you can avoid maintaining your dental bridge to make sure it lasts for a long time.

What is the alternative to Maryland bridge? ›

Bridge Supported With Implants

If you cannot support each tooth with a bridge, then the implant-supported bridge can use crowns of dental implants to support the fake teeth. These implants are much more supported than Maryland bridges.

Which is better Maryland bridge or fixed bridge? ›

The Maryland bridge is a more conservative alternative than the traditional fixed bridge because it does not require reshaping and the placement of crowns on the adjacent teeth.

Why does my Maryland bridge keep falling off? ›

A Maryland bridge sits in the gap between your two natural teeth, which only has very small anchors for it. This is why these are so prone to falling out. If your dentist recommends a different bridge type, you'll need to have an impression made of your mouth to get the correct shape for it.

What is the average cost of a Maryland bridge? ›

Traditional and cantilever bridges will be $2000 to $5000. Maryland bridges, around $1500 to $2500.

Can you brush a Maryland bridge? ›

Since a dental bridge is permanent, you cannot remove it to clean it. Choose an easy-to-use aid such as a floss threader, super floss, interdental brush or water pick for your dental bridge.

Why is a dental bridge not recommended? ›

Replacing the tooth root with a dental implant is the only way to stop bone resorption and grow that bone tissue back. Because bridges sit above the gum line, the jawbone will continue to deteriorate. Bridges aren't as long-lasting as implants.

Who is not a good candidate for a dental bridge? ›

Dental bridges are not ideal for patients with gingivitis, periodontal disease, or other infections. They can cause bruising and damage to the gum as you take time to be comfortable using them. Undergo treatment for other dental issues first.

What are 2 disadvantages of making a bridge? ›

Construction of cement bridges are time consuming and they are so expensive. They requires a lot of people for building. Apart from that, they can also cause environmental damage. They are not eco-friendly, because a lot of trees, hills and mountains are cut down to build these bridges.

What is better than dental bridge? ›

However, dental implants are much more effective than bridges in the long run and are also better in terms of oral health. The fact that they usually last longer than bridges accounts for the high cost that is generally associated with implant surgery.

Can you floss with a Maryland bridge? ›

Any dental bridge is going to require that you up your oral hygiene game. A Maryland bridge will be easier to clean and floss around and under so that is another thing to consider. Not everyone is a candidate for a Maryland bridge but your Dentist can help you decide what is best for your individual case.

How many visits for a Maryland bridge? ›

A Maryland bonded bridge contains one false tooth that is bonded to wings that bond the false tooth to the neighboring teeth. It takes two visits to the dentist to have a Maryland bonded bridge placed. During the first visit, Dr. Cohen prepares the teeth on either side of the missing tooth for the bonding process.

How long does it take to get used to a Maryland bridge? ›

Adjusting to your dental bridge

Most patients take about two weeks to adjust fully. During this time, avoid very hot or very cold foods. Also, using toothpaste for sensitive teeth for the first few days will help with pain and discomfort.

Can you drink coffee with a dental bridge? ›

Wine, Coffee, and Cola

To maintain the clean, white appearance of the dental bridge, patients should avoid these beverages as much as possible. Dental bridges function like the natural teeth, so no food or beverage is completely off-limits after dental bridge treatment.

Can I eat pizza with a dental bridge? ›

Eating hot foods, such as coffee, soups or pizza, will do no damage to your temporary or permanent dental crown, but you may need to avoid them if you experience discomfort.

What are pros and cons of Maryland bridge? ›

Pros and Cons of Maryland Bridges
  • Pros. Non-invasive and generally low-risk. ...
  • Cons. May not be feasible for all teeth (such as molars in the back of the mouth) ...
  • Downtime. ...
  • Aftercare. ...
  • Other Types of Dental Bridges. ...
  • Dentures. ...
  • Dental Implants.

How many teeth can be replaced with a Maryland bridge? ›

A dental bridge can be used to replace anywhere from one to four teeth, depending on the patient's needs. However, it is most common that one to two teeth will be replaced. In some rare cases, a bridge can replace more teeth than four; however, there are a few factors that play into it.

Why is it called a Maryland bridge? ›

While there are many different kinds of dental bridges, one commonly used bridge is called a Maryland bridge. The Maryland bridge gets its name from the University of Maryland where it has been argued that it was originally developed.

What is the permanent cement for Maryland bridge? ›

RelyX Unicem Cement is indicated for the permanent cementation of: All-ceramic, composite, or metal inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges. Posts and screws. 2- or 3-unit Maryland bridges.

Can a Maryland bridge be permanent? ›

Are Maryland Dental Bridges Permanent? A Maryland bridge is a permanent dental restoration that can replace a missing tooth. These bridges are like conventional bridges, but are bonded differently. The dentist helps you get a perfect smile by attaching the prosthetic tooth to the teeth on either side of the gap.

Is Maryland bridge temporary? ›

While it is true that you won't have to crown the adjacent teeth, I wouldn't consider it a temporary replacement option. This is because in order for it to fit properly, your dentist will need to cut notches into her teeth to help keep the wings in place.

Can you have an MRI with a Maryland bridge? ›

The titanium, titanium alloy, and zirconia used in most dental implants are not ferromagnetic metals - making it perfectly safe to enter an MRI with them in your mouth.

What foods to avoid with dental bridge? ›

It is never a good idea to consume sticky foods, but it is an even worse idea when you have dental bridges or crowns. Sticky foods can get stuck in the dental restoration and pull it right out. Foods like caramel, fruit snacks, gum, and sticky candies should not be consumed when you have dental restorations.

Can food get under a dental bridge? ›

If you don't clean your dental bridge properly, food can get lodged underneath it and cause an infection. Food particles under the bridge are more likely to become trapped in this area if they're not brushed off regularly with a toothbrush. If food gets stuck under a dental bridge, it can irritate the gums.

What happens if you get a cavity under a bridge? ›

If a cavity under a bridge is left untreated, it can cause the abutment teeth to weaken, which can lead to a loose or shifting bridge. If your bridge feels loose or unstable, you should schedule an appointment with our dental office immediately.

Why is a doctor prefer bridge over implant? ›

On instances where you have two broken down teeth next to the missing tooth, a dental bridge would be preferable to an implant. This is because those teeth need crowns for extra protection. Bridges are more flexible when it comes to controlling the color of more than two teeth for a lesser price.

What happens to a dental bridge over time? ›

Dental bridges are classified ad permanent or fixed dental restorations that can last for a long period. However, dental bridges are not indestructible. They can dislodge and loosen due to direct dental trauma or poor oral hygiene.

Does a dental bridge ever feel normal? ›

The dental bridge should feel nearly as real and comfortable to you as your natural teeth did. Many of our patients report that their bridges feel even better than the natural teeth did prior to bridge placement, especially if these teeth had large fillings or restorations in them.

What percentage of dental bridges fail? ›

Dental implants are 95% to 98% successful for 40 to 50+ years. Success rates for dental implants do not decrease over time. Success rates for bridges decreases steadily after 10 years. At 15 years, 1 in 3 bridges will typically fail.

Should an 80 year old get dental implants? ›

Luckily, dental implants are just as effective and long-lasting in older age. Dental implants often change older people's lives for the better, giving them improved physical health and more confidence. No age is too old for dental implants.

What is under a dental bridge? ›

It has two or more crowns and a filler tooth or teeth that are all connected. The crowns keep the bridge in place. Traditional bridges are made of metal, porcelain fused to metal, or ceramics.

What is the main problem with bridges? ›

Infrastructure issues

The group reports that one out of every nine bridges in the country is considered structurally deficient, and the average age of bridges in the U.S. is more than 42 years old. The age and condition of bridges is a contributing factor to many recent collapses.

What are common issues with bridges? ›

Ill-fitted bridges lead to discomfort but that is just the start. With time, the false tooth can lead to irritation in your gums potentially causing boils, infection, and gum recession around the bridge. You should go see your dentist at the slightest bit of irritation or issue relating to how the bridge fits.

What main problem do bridges solve? ›

Bridges are designed to withstand dead loads and live loads. A dead load is a load that does not change, such as the weight of the structure itself. It includes the deck, sidewalks, parapets, railings, and the steel or concrete load-carrying members.

How many teeth can you have on a bridge? ›

Dental bridges help replace one to four teeth, depending on your needs. However, generally, people replace one or two teeth. However, in rare cases, you can also have four teeth in a dental bridge, especially if you have sufficient healthy teeth present in your mouth to connect with dental crowns.

What is the life expectancy of a dental bridge? ›

How Long Does a Dental Bridge Last? According to the Cleveland Clinic, dental bridges need to be replaced about every 5 to 7 years; however, the University of Rochester Medical Center reports they can also last for a decade or longer with the right care.

Why does the Maryland bridge keep coming off? ›

A Maryland bridge sits in the gap between your two natural teeth, which only has very small anchors for it. This is why these are so prone to falling out. If your dentist recommends a different bridge type, you'll need to have an impression made of your mouth to get the correct shape for it.

Why does my Maryland bridge keep coming loose? ›

A Maryland bridge can fall off prematurely due to poor design or faulty bonding technique—or both. Your dentist can return the bridge to the laboratory to etch it again, replace the wings, or both.

How many teeth can you have on a Maryland bridge? ›

A dental bridge can be used to replace anywhere from one to four teeth, depending on the patient's needs. However, it is most common that one to two teeth will be replaced. In some rare cases, a bridge can replace more teeth than four; however, there are a few factors that play into it.

How long does a Maryland bridge take to put in? ›

During the first visit, molds are taken of the area in order to make the false teeth (pontics) in the bridge. During the second visit, usually about one week later, the Maryland bonded bridge is put into place. Both visits usually take about an hour to 90 minutes.

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