What Happens if Food Gets Stuck Under My Dental Implants? (2024)

Daily home care is important for the long-term health of your dental implants. No matter how much you floss, some patients still report small bits of food stuck between their dental implants. This can be uncomfortable and cause future unwanted problems, like gum disease.

If you have trouble with your dental implants, do not hesitate to call the specialists at Capital District Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons in Albany or Latham, NY. We can offer advice and assistance to keep your dental implants looking and feeling great. Below, our team shares a few tips for dealing with this common issue.

Will dental implants affect how I eat?

Men and women with dental implants may be concerned about what they can eat. The good news is that there are no restrictions or limitations. Dental implants work just like natural teeth and can chew all kinds of foods without issue. This includes challenging meals, such as steak, corn on the cob, and raw vegetables. Of course, we advise that patients do not bite down on hard objects or use their teeth as tools. It is easy to damage the implants when they are not used properly.

What if food gets stuck under my implants?

Dental implants are made of a biocompatible metal that fuses with the jawbone. A restoration is placed on top of the implant, creating the appearance of a natural tooth while keeping a tight seal with your gums. Because dental implants are sealed in place along the gumline, it is difficult for any food to get stuck underneath them. However, it is not impossible if the implant was placed incorrectly. If you believe something is wrong with your implant, call Capital District Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons for an assessment right away.

Using tools like an oral irrigator

One of our oral surgeons in Albany or Latham, NY can show you how to clean and care for your new implants once they have been placed. Brushing and flossing twice a day is the best way to preserve your oral health and get food out from between your teeth. Some patients like to keep an oral irrigator tool at home for more stubborn debris.

Other names for oral irrigators include the Waterpik and water flosser. It works by directing a stream of high-pressure water in between teeth and below the gumline. These tools are available in most drugstores, and using them is quick and easy. If you have food stuck around your implant and can’t remove it, we encourage you to call our office for further guidance.

Why you should keep your dental implant clean

If food is left stuck between your dental implants or near the gumline, you may notice some sensitivity and redness. Debris needs to be removed promptly, or you could risk gum disease or infection. Our oral surgeons encourage patients to stay educated about their implants and the best ways to keep them clean. We are always available to clarify your concerns about oral health.

Improve your oral health with implants

Tasks like eating and speaking can be a challenge if you have missing teeth. Dental implants are the best way to replace the gap in your smile and prevent future problems, like gum disease. If you want to learn about dental implants or have questions about maintaining them, call Capital District Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons for an appointment today. Our clinic in Albany or Latham, NY can ensure you have a healthy and beautiful smile for life.

What Happens if Food Gets Stuck Under My Dental Implants? (2024)


What Happens if Food Gets Stuck Under My Dental Implants? ›

Food stuck under your implants can cause some problems, including infection and implant failure. Small food particles can become lodged in the spaces between your teeth and gums when you eat. If these particles are not removed, they can harden and become plaque. The bacteria-filled sticky coating is called plaque.

How do you get food out from under implants? ›

If you have a dental implant, it will be important to see your dentist if food gets stuck in it. The good news is that removing the food won't be painful or difficult for your dentist to do. Your dentist will likely numb the area before starting and then use either a needle or dental instrument to dig out the food.

Is it normal for food to get stuck in dentures? ›

However, dentures can also be a source of embarrassment for some people. This is because food can get stuck under dentures, leading to an unpleasant smell and an uncomfortable feeling. Fortunately, a dentist can help to remove the stuck food and restore the dentures to their original condition.

How does a dentist fix a food trap? ›

One fix for food traps is to add a dental filling to one or both of the teeth affected by the food trap to close the gap. If the teeth next to the food trap have decay or have any major issue, the dentist may suggest using a dental crown to fix the problem.

What happens if food gets stuck under your gums? ›

Trapped food, like popcorn shells under the gums, can create a haven for bacteria, causing inflammation, pain, and possibly infection.

How do you clean under a dental implant? ›

Regular floss may also be needed to clean your dental implant. For single implants, floss each side of the crown. At the gumline, create a c-shape with the string, and slide it between the underside of your crown and your gum tissue. A proxabrush is a helpful tool that looks like a tiny Christmas tree-shaped brush.

Does food stick to dental implants? ›

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes food will get stuck in your dental implants. If this happens to you, here's what you can do. Use a water pick or an oral irrigator. These tools blast food and other detritus from between your dental implants and the gum line.

What should you not drink with dentures? ›

Hot beverages like coffee, tea, or soup can pose a risk to denture wearers due to the potential for burns. Dentures can act as insulators, making it harder to gauge the temperature of hot liquids accurately.

Can food get under snap in dentures? ›

Yes, any prosthetic in the mouth will get some amount of food under it. The great thing about implant dentures is how easy they are to clean.

What is the dental treatment of food impaction? ›

The steps of treatment for food impaction at the right mandible teeth in a typical case. (a) Evaluating the contact area by unwaxed dental floss. (b) Selecting the stainless wire for tension around the contact area. (c) Using 10% HF gel to etch the open contact area.

How do you get rid of food pockets? ›

For gum pockets treatment at home, there are a few things you can do:
  1. Brush your teeth twice daily with a small, soft toothbrush.
  2. Use a fluoride toothpaste.
  3. Carefully clean the interdental spaces with a single tufted toothbrush, floss, interdental brushes or water flossers.
Aug 2, 2022

Why does food stuck in teeth smell so bad? ›

Bacteria break down pieces of food in the mouth, and may release an unpleasant-smelling gas. Any food trapped on your teeth – particularly between them – is broken down by bacteria. This may cause bad breath.

What if food is stuck between teeth and gums hurt? ›

It is important to seek care from a dentist if the food stuck between your teeth causes you pain. Also, if you get food stuck deep between your teeth, in your gums, or in a hard-to-reach location like the back teeth it is wise to see a dentist for help.

Can food stuck in gums cause bleeding? ›

Hard food particles, like popcorn kernels, can become stuck between your teeth and cause bleeding. Flossing and rinsing with mouthwash should remove the material. Bleeding may also occur due to an infection around the base of a tooth. If you notice pain, swelling or pus, make a dental appointment.

Can food stuck in gum cause swelling? ›

If you only notice swelling around one tooth, it could be something as simple as food stuck in your gums. Generally, this type of inflammation goes away once you brush and floss to remove the object. But in some cases, swelling around one tooth could mean you have a dental abscess.

Does food get stuck under All-on-4 implants? ›

In short, yes, it is possible for food particles to occasionally get trapped in the tiny gaps around or underneath the dental implants.

Can food get under All-on-4 implants? ›

If not removed quickly, you're at an increased risk of gum disease and/or infection. Brushing and flossing can help to loosen and remove food debris stuck in dental implants. If food has gotten under the All-on-4 denture arch, you'll need to contact the clinic for an emergency appointment.

Why is food getting stuck under my crown? ›

Improper contact from a filling or crown can also leave a space where food can get trapped. This can be caused by fillings or crowns that were not installed to fit properly, or due to damage.

Does food taste the same with implants? ›

Dental Implants Don't Block Taste Buds

Some people who wear upper dentures may resort to adding more seasoning than a recipe may call for in order to continue enjoying their favorite foods. The good news is that dental implants are able to replace missing teeth without blocking taste buds.

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