What is Macroglossia? | Nicklaus Children's Hospital (2024)

también conocido como:lengua agrandada

¿Qué es la macroglosia?

Macroglosia es el término médico para referirse al nacimiento de un niño con lengua agrandada. Es una de las características más comunes del síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann (Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, BWS), que afecta a alrededor del 90por ciento de los niños con el trastorno congénito. Si no se trata, la macroglosia puede provocar deformidades dentales y del esqueleto, incluidos problemas de mordida abierta, mordida cruzada y mandíbula.

Causas, síntomas y diagnóstico de la macroglosia

Los niños con macroglosia tienen lenguas que son desproporcionadamente grandes para sus bocas. En algunos casos, la lengua puede sobresalir de la boca e interferir con la ubicación de los dientes, la capacidad de comer o el desarrollo del habla del niño. El diagnóstico de macroglosia se centra en determinar su causa subyacente.

Opciones de tratamiento para la macroglosia

En algunos casos, los síntomas pueden no ser lo suficientemente graves como para requerir cirugía. Sin embargo, nuestroprograma quirúrgico para el tratamiento de la macroglosia es muy respetado como uno de los pocos equipos en el mundo que se especializa en el procedimiento de corte enW (reducción lingual anterior).

Si la macroglosia de su hijo está causada por Beckwith-Wiedemann, es importante tratar el conjunto completo de síntomas asociados con el trastorno. Los niños con BWS deben someterse regularmente a pruebas de detección de neoplasias malignas, ya que tienen un mayor riesgo de cánceres como el tumor de Wilms (nefroblastoma), el pancreatoblastoma y el hepatoblastoma.

Los protocolos de detección pueden variar, pero generalmente recomendamos que los niños menores de ocho años se realicen una ecografía abdominal cada tres meses. También sugerimos análisis de sangre anuales para pacientes con BWS para medir la alfafetoproteína (AFP) hasta que tengan al menos cuatro años de edad.

Revisado por: Chad Perlyn, MD

Esta página fue actualizada por última vez en: julio 14, 2021 04:12 p. m.

Centro y Clínica Pediátrica Craneofacial

El Centro de Trastornos Craneofaciales de Nicklaus Children's Hospital es el único centro de especialidad de la Florida para niños con trastornos craneofaciales, ofreciendo tratamiento para bebés, niños y jóvenes con trastornos craneofaciales.

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What is Macroglossia? | Nicklaus Children's Hospital (2024)


What is Macroglossia? | Nicklaus Children's Hospital? ›

Macroglossia is the medical term for an abnormally large tongue that is present at birth. In some cases, surgery is required to treat the problem and help the child eat, breathe, and speak more easily.

What causes macroglossia in children? ›

What are the causes of Pediatric Macroglossia (Large Tongue)?
  • Acromegaly (gigantism)
  • Amyloidosis.
  • Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
  • Cancer.
  • Down syndrome.
  • Hemangioma.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Oral herpes simplex virus.

How do you define macroglossia? ›

Macroglossia is defined as a resting tongue that protrudes beyond the teeth or alveolar ridge [1].

What is macroglossia in medical terminology? ›

Macroglossia is the medical term used to describe an unusually large tongue. This usually occurs due to an increase in tissue, rather than a growth. It may also be referred to as giant tongue or enlarged tongue.

What are the problems with macroglossia? ›

The consequences of macroglossia usually include possible dysfunction of the orthognathic system, breathing and speech problems, increased mandibular size, open bite, tooth spacing and other dentoskeletal problems.

Can macroglossia go away? ›

[12] In some cases, macroglossia is spontaneously corrected due to more pronounced orofacial growth to accommodate the tongue. [13] Most cases can be managed conservatively without the need for surgery.

What is the most common cause of macroglossia? ›

Macroglossia is the most common oral symptom of amyloidosis. Hypothyroidism: This is a common condition where your thyroid doesn't create and release enough thyroid hormone into your bloodstream. This makes your metabolism slow down. Hypothyroidism is a common cause of macroglossia in children.

What does macroglossia look like? ›

Children with macroglossia have tongues that are disproportionately large for their mouths. In some cases, the tongue may protrude from the mouth and interfere with the child's tooth placement, ability to eat, and/or speech development.

How does macroglossia affect speech? ›

Some children with an enlarged tongue are unable to produce the sounds p, b, and m with both lips together which is the normal way to produce these sounds and they make these sounds with the tongue against the top lip.

How rare is macroglossia? ›

Although the exact incidence of macroglossia in the general population is unknown (because the etiologies are too numerous to quantify), the condition is found in some congenital syndromes, such as Down syndrome (1 per 700 live births) and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (0.07 per 1000 live births).

How do you investigate macroglossia? ›

Imaging Studies

Computed tomography (CT) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - Helpful if macroglossia is interfering with the airway, especially in severe obstructive sleep apnea; such studies are also obtained to help delineate the extent of tumors and aid in planning for surgical resection.

What causes sudden macroglossia? ›

Macroglossia is usually caused by an underlying condition. When it's present at birth, it's often caused by genetic disorders like Down syndrome or congenital hypothyroidism. It can also develop later in life due to physical trauma, acromegaly, acquired hypothyroidism, or inflammatory conditions.

What are the clinical features of macroglossia? ›

Macroglossia is characterized by an enlarged and thick tongue that may have fissures and ulcers, may cause language alterations, difficulties for feeding and swallowing, sialorrhea and recurrent infections of the upper airway or even its obstruction.

What vitamin deficiency causes macroglossia? ›

Vitamin deficiencies, particularly Vitamin B12, cause B12 deficiency glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) mimicking macroglossia [1].

What deficiency causes macroglossia? ›

Vitamin deficiencies, particularly Vitamin B12, cause B12 deficiency glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) mimicking macroglossia [1].

What genetic syndromes are associated with macroglossia? ›

Inherited or congenital disorders associated with Macroglossia include Down syndrome, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, primary amyloidosis, and congenital hypothyroidism. Acquired causes may include trauma, cancer, endocrine disorders, and inflammatory or infectious diseases.

What does it mean when a child's tongue is always out? ›

Babies stick out their tongues for many reasons, such as to signal hunger, fullness, or dislike of a certain food. Babies over 6 months of age may stick out their tongue intentionally as a means of imitating or communicating with their parent or caregiver. However, often there is no clear cause.

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